I can't seem to decide if it is a Craft Fail or not?
On Monday, I had a dinner to go to and even had a brand new top ensemble to wear. But, the outfit needed a necklace. A big chunky one. But alas, all my great accessories are in storage. So I thought, I am crafty, I have good taste, I can make one! Not so much.
Is it just me? Do I just have trouble getting used to the not-beaded-or-metal-but-is-still-real-jewelery look? Should i keep trying? This piece did inspire me to make a couple more. And I did learn some things. Like weight distribution both literally (As in the heaviest part of the piece will hang at the lowest point and drive you nuts if you didn't design it that way.) and aesthetically. As in asymmetrical is okay, but you are walking a fine line between it and just plain odd looking.
also, yo yos and buttons? As much as I like it, I just don't know if it is too cute. And cute was not what I was going for. Ah well, the important hings is I tried, and that lace is totally re-usable!
Have you been to My Creative Space @ Kirsty's aka Kootoyoo? Shame on you if you haven't!