It has been too long since I shared some pictures of my little princess! But, today I managed to snap a couple pics of her during dress up and so I thought I would share them with you as well as some pictures of the (work in progress) dress up corner I made for her.

The mirror photos are bit foggy because it is old and the mirror is foggy. But Wednesday loves looking at herself in it. I still have to work a full length mirror into the space for her because she loves to look at ever her shoes on. She is such a diva!

I found a the dresser at a thrift shop for twenty five dollars. Which between you and me I have never paid that much for anything from a charity shop, but this was just to perfect to pass up! It was already painted white and ready to be filled with dress up goodies. I added hooks to the sides for necklaces and wings. In the drawers are glasses (and clown noses etc.), play silks and shoes. In the white suitcase is a hat collection. On the little coat rack is her dresses and skirts.
The photos of Wednesday were taken today, the dresser photos are from before Christmas, and since Christmas her dress up and accessory collection has exploded, so I have to rework the corner but I have a few ideas in mind. For a few more shots of the goods you can view the Flickr photoset
Hope your day is fabulous and don't forget to "Curtsy while you think, it saves time." ♥