It was a wonderful weekend. I have the photos to prove it. We started out at the farmers market where it was kids day with the local health unit putting on small events like zucchini car races and a colouring contest.

We bought some great stuff. Buckwheat honey and apples which I used to make some upside down apple muffins. I also bought tomatillos but I have not quite figured out how I will use them. Some seriously sweet baked goods and whole wheat bread and of course cherry tomatoes for the wee one. Wednesday loves "tatoes".
We thought we were going to go to another market in "The County" (Prince Edward County) but instead ended up at Sandbanks Provincial Park and wandered along a rockier part of the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Wednesday fell asleep for the long sunny drive home. When we got home I fought off a case of the dozies (from the sunny drive) but baking with the apples. In addition to the aforementioned muffins I baked an apple crisp with my mom's recipe but I did not know she doubles the topping and although it turned out okay, it was not awesome. Next time.
For giggles Ron and I went to the movies to see Whiteout. It was okay. I don't think I would tell anyone to spend thirty bucks on tickets and munchies to see it but definitely a renter. Kate Beckinsale looks a lot like Neve Campbell but thankfully she doesn't act like her. Because it is set in Antarctica it does not take too much to weed thorough the who-dunnit but still, not bad and I definitely liked hanging out with Ron.
Today we rose and ran early again. This time to walk the newly refurbished boardwalk at Presqu'ile Provincial Park. It was gorgeous. So...marshy. We did not get to see much wildlife but the scenery was beautiful and Wednesday loved running around. She managed to stay on the boardwalk the entire time, no trips or falls. When we walked through any wooded areas (or drove through later) she kept saying "Mommy, it's dark." Now, she is not afraid of the dark so I haven't any idea where that came from. she wasn't scared but felt the need to point it out, every single time there was heavy shade. Kids are so darn cute.
Speaking of cute...

The wee one is napping now. I think we are taking her to visit Ron's parents this afternoon. The home for lasagna and hopefully some sewing to share this week. If you like you can see more pictures from this weekend at my flickr photostream.
See you tomorrow for Mmm good Monday!