The challenge was a stocking and a toy if you had the time. Well, I ran out of time for the toy but I finished the stocking!I made it from recycled denim! The white jeans I turned into a skirt for week one challenge plus some black denim from a pair of jeans I was given for the fabric. I could not be happier! Seriously, with every stage I was more and more impressed with how it all came together.
I lined it with black felt and added a vintage brooch I bought at a yardsale for a dollar. Pretty yes?
I'm sorry if the pictures are not awesome, I just didn't have time tweak the levels in Photoshop.
I hope you love it though. And if you want to make your own, stick around, sometime this week I will have the tutorial posted!
If you would like to see what Cynthia created click the button!

Okay, thanks for your patience guys! I'll be back as soon as I have internet access, or access to the internet! ♥