So, some of you may have noticed I dropped the word theme here and there over the last couple weeks. Well, I am only three and a half days late getting it started but here it is! The Denim-Stravaganza! For the entire month of June I will be posting projects, links to, photos of wonderful recycled denim projects. Personally, the more I work with this fabric the more I like it so this will be a fun month for me.
Also, it ties in well with Father's Day since it is a rugged fabric that holds up well to manly type things. I have one tutorial maybe two to post in time for Father's Day so I am super hyped for those!
That is also why I chose recycled denim as my fabric for the Sew What! Sew Along. Yay for things mushing together well.
I will hopefully be back this evening with a more visual post to kick things off, I just wanted to take a moment and write this up before it got away from me. And now, back to my Sew What challenge project! (Yes, I am still working on the finishing touches!)