Wow, I am really getting this one in under pressure! I have spent the morning prepping these prizes and I only moments ago finished taking the photos and uploading them! Wanna see? Ok!

Some of you that have been reading me for a little while know my love for working with vingtage linens. If asked in an interview about my favourite material(s) to work with I would answer "Vintage sheets and then denim." So, this week, I thought I would share that love and give away TWO prize packs! Up for this weeks draw are two vintage sheet five-fat quarter bundles and matching vintage(ish) buttons! I am a craft hoarder, and this was hard. But to show how much I love you, each bundle has a fat quarter from my most favourite sheet ever!

In this bundle of pretty pinks and yellows you'll notice on the top is the yellow sheet I have made so many wonderful things from already. And, as much as I love it, I felt I should pass on some of the sunshine.

If you look closely at this prize pack you'll notice there is a fat quarter from the very sheet I made my winning skirt with. (For those of you who are just joining us, the denim and patchwork skirt in my header is the skirt I am talking about.)That fat quarter was hard to give up as well for it screams vintage to me and the colours are so soothing.
But, on to the giving away part! (See, I told you I love those sheets!) For a chance to win one of these fat quarter bundles you need only two things. The first is become a follower if you are not already. The second is tell me which pack you prefer and what you would do with it!
Just in case you have no idea what a fat quarter is (Like myself until a couple months ago) these fat quarters are Canadian fat Quarters or Diaper Cuts, meaning they measure 20x22".