I happened upon a blog one day (perhaps Modern Acorn, perhaps not it has been awhile) and she had a post about her vintage sheet collection. It was gorgeous. I was so very envious. I thought to myself "How come I never come across such beautiful sheets in thrift stores?" All I ever came across was pilly flannel sheets that were not even covered in a cool cartoon character.
Anyhoo, today, today I scored. Big. I popped into Value Village to pick up a piece of blue material for a thing I am doing for Wednesday. I had hoped I would find a silk blue scarf. Unfortunately no silk, but I did get a couple yards of dark blue sheer. Perfect for what I want. I also found a couple yards of purple tulle to go in a tutu I am making for Sidney's birthday. I also found a sizable piece of black polar fleece. All pretty good for the five dollar price tag for all three. But wait, there's more!
I also found eight beautiful sheets. Some vintage, all gorgeous and coincidentally somewhat coordinating. They are all so pretty! I want to make quilts and clothes and shopping totes and doll clothes etc. etc. and so on and so forth.
*Squee* have a look!

I don't know if I can pick a favourite but I do love the second from the bottom aqua-green-blue floral. The bright pink and white gingham is great too. It is a no iron muslin, and I am not going to lie I really don't know what that means.
You watch though, I won't use these at all thinking no project is worth cutting up such pretty fabric.
Definitely going to make doll clothes for the Waldorf doll I want to make Wednesday. I have some natural bamboo velour coming that I want to use for the head and hands of that, but that is another post for another day.