I am so excited to share this with everyone. It is my first finished project from Amanda Blake Soule's Handmade Home and it took only a couple of hours! I started cutting the fabric right before Wednesday went down for a nap and then my mom (bless her heart) took her for an outing shortly after she woke up and with about twenty minutes to spare I had the pockets cut, sewn and hung!
This was wonderfully simple. I used felt instead of the recommended wool blanket because wool is not so easy to come by around these parts. (I do have one blanket but I am saving that one for another project from the book.) I found this felt at value village on a second vintage linens scavenger hunt and thought it perfect for the job. It does not hang quite as heavy but because I made my organizer the length of a door instead of the original 38" it hangs quite nicely. I made sure to double stitch the pocket dividing lines to give them added strength. The only trouble I had was I pinned all of my pockets to the felt and then sewed instead of sewing pocket and then pinning another etc. They did not shift much at all and I am totally happy with the result. Here is the set on Flickr if you would like some more close up shots.

Don't the vintage linens look just wonderful together?! So very awesome. Thanks for looking!