Soo...as you can see I have nothing to reveal. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Bupkiss! I have a few excuses but really it comes down to sewers block. Until today. But today I had a morning of laundry and an afternoon of sunshine and fresh air at a family member's birthday party. I was so inspired today though that I am hoping to have two pieces to reveal by Thursday, maybe sooner!! Fret not though, you can always ooooh and aaaah at the holiday outfit Cynthia created.

For those of you who need a recap on the projects and how to submit them here you go:
Week three: A stocking or toy or both!
Week four: An ornament for the tree
The challenges will still be posted a week prior to a showcase for each project on Sundays. And for those of you worried that this bit of Christmas sewing might interfere with your other holiday prep such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, there will be a two week intermission starting October twenty fourth (So everyone has a week prep time for Halloween) and ending November seventh (just in time for American Thanksgiving.)
Also, reader submissions will still be taken by:
- Comments with links to blog posts
- Emailed photos
- Uploading them to share in the Flickr Sewing Dork Showcase group. It is super fun to browse through all the great ideas and submissions!
For those of you cool cats who would like to share the fabulous button on your blogs and posts, just copy and paste the code int he text box. Cheers!