My ever so talented partner in crime The Sewing Dork made this beautiful satchel with the words " Random Acts of Kindness' on the outside and "senseless beauty" on the inside.
She also sewed up this gorgeous clutch. The pattern on the inside fabric is a journal print, how very pretty and clever! (Much like Cynthia non?)
AND this book bag for a close and dear friend. Although technically not for the Sew Along it still fits in with the challenge. She should get a medal!
Next we have a lovely little crochet hook bag made by Mandi C of Common Threads. Her chosen fabric I believe is repurposed/stash busting fabrics. And the vintage pillowcase she used for the outside is adorable! Love the practicality of this bag as well!
Jessi C of Common Threads as well is joining us for the Sew along, her chosen fabric is men's dress shirts. I love that idea and I think I might have to put it in the vault for a later sew along! Ahem, but Jessi's submission is a lovely purse complete with an inside pocket made from a dress shirt pocket.The word on this bag is a little hard to spot but the button says "I Love You".
Angela Pea of Keeping the Faith submitted this adorable pinny (Short form of clothespin apron). Her chosen fabric is stash busting cottons. I really like both the practicality of the project but also how she bent the meaning 'bag' to suit her needs. Fabulous.
Fir those of you that missed the week three description you can find it at the top of my blog space under the menu buttons. For those of you that know it but are not sure how to put it into action I thought I would share some ideas that I had...
- Pillow
- Doorstop
- Bookends
- Pattern weights
- Lap desk
Hope that helps get yoru creative juices going! Please keep submitting your projects this has been so much fun!
Happy Sewing!