Thursday, April 28, 2011

What is going on around here?!

Are you as confused as me as to the state of things around here? Sorry for that, I just have some serious moving and shaking going on and this place can get pretty barren when things pick up elsewhere. But! I have been creating a lot lately, having finally found a sort of peace where my studio is concerned. That is another post for another day though. Today I wanted to show you what I have been  up to!

Summer Beach Tote

I made this super hot set for a friend's birthday. It is a beach tote set. I thought it would make the perfect beach accessory because the entire set is made from four PVC coated nylon place mats meaning sand cannot penetrate the fabric. Also, c'mon hot pink at the beach? Yes please! It is lined with a coordinating fabric (a bed sheet turned fabric stash years ago.) With a matching make up size bag and key fob/zipper pull/wristlet handle. I sure hope she likes it!


This little cutie was made from a hoodie the hubby bought me that shrunk on the first washing. (Damn you cotton fleece!) I cut the kangaroo pocket off for another project and then cut around the laptop. Serged the edges (for interest not necessity) and then sewed up the sides. Voila! A great little lap top sleeve for travel. We rarely bring the lap top out and about so this is just what we need for now.


Finally, I have this toy hammock made from a vintage pillowcase. I love it, it helps to corral the ever growing (no matter how I try to curb it) collection of plushies. I know that a branch from my yard, or a painted doweling would be more aesthetically pleasing but I had a curtain rod kicking around, I'll change it up when I find the right branch.

There you have it, I do still create! I have been sewing a bit every day and it feels great! As soon as I stopped waiting for the right light to take tutorial photos, my to do list got smaller! But, I am still going to do tutorials for all three projects I just worked out the kinks ahead of time. (You're welcome.*wink wink*)
I am also creating a website, something to combine my Storage Geek blog with this blog. My Storage geek blog has almost 3000 followers to this ones 352. But I love this one because I can show off my little turtledove Wednesday and I have such wonderful bloggy BFFs here. So I figure if I can combine the two I can find a nice balance of DIY/Mama blog. So stay tuned and thanks for bearing with me!
P.S. Any helpful advice on building and/ore maintaining a website would be most appreciated.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday on Wednesday

Wednesday at Sunset, originally uploaded by Cara.Mia.
My little turtle dove on Easter Sunday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday on Wednesday

Last week when The Mister listed his kayak on Kijiji for sale someone offered to trade their Canon Rebel XT and we jumped on it. (By jumping I mean we drove almost two hours away to meet him halfway as he was coming from Quebec!) I am in love, the weather has been utterly horrible so I haven't been able to take too many photos but I did manage to get some great ones at a conservation area on the way home from the day trip. I am so excited for spring to warm up so we can spend more time outside!
How are your families holding up waiting for some sunshine?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mind The Mess

Some of you may be able to tell I am "redecorating' as a friend so kindly put it. I am not sold on the fonts and definitely not the buttons but I was editing until 1am last night and I was anxious to see how it looked. Feel free to give me your constructive criticisms.

Happy Monday ♥

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Secret Stash Busting!

A few months ago Heather of Dollar Store Crafts had a hiccup on Twitter that announced a year old stash busting giveaway. Without reading the dates ('cause that is how I roll) I filled out the form, only to be red faced later when Heather was kind enough to reply letting me know my error. I thought "Hey, why not do it again?!" and offered my supplies to join in on the fun if she so chose to repeat the process. She did, and I did but do to a communication hiccup (Read stupid tooth infection that made me useless for weeks!) I was not able to send mine directly to her to mix up and mail out, instead what I am doing is sending off four packages to Canadians as a bonus to Heather's randomly chosen ten picks.My packages are a bit smaller (I have no sponsors and a smaller stash lol), but hopefully the recipients find them to be satisfactory. (I'm all nervous as I address them to mail off!)

I kind of dropped the ball and didn't get a chance to announce it here so that you could at least apply to be a secret stash bustee so I will be collecting one more package to send to one of you. (Although I am sure that every single one of you read Dollar Store Crafts!) Stay tuned for that and a few more giveaways and announcements, times be a changin' around here!

P.S. For those of you who love this idea and have an excess amount of supplies you could always head on over to Swap Bot Supply Swap where everyone is a winner!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday on Wednesday

Just look at that pink nose and those pink cheeks!
I am beyond grateful that the stars aligned and we were able to pick up a this second hand play structure for Wednesday. Now that we live in the country, we are not able to walk to the nearest park. We are working on bringing the park to us. ♥ My heart swells knowing that we will get to enjoy our yard(!) to the fullest this year. Now...if Mother Nature would just cooperate and give us more than one sunny day in a row we'd be set!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Storybook Sunday : The Birdman by Melvin Burgess

Stay tuned for a bird related kids craft after the review!
With spring in full swing (for most of us) I have had birds on my mind for some time. Feeders and houses and such. So when I had an idea to do some related crafts I thought it fitting to share with you a book we recently discovered. It is called The Birdman and is illustrated by Ruth Brown and written by Melvin Burgess

Regardless of the controversy that surrounds the author`s more current works, this book I found to be wonderful. A little dark maybe, but that seems to be how we like our fairy tales around here.

The story begins with some beautiful carnival-esque imagery that I couldn't help but be taken with. (I love that sort of thing; Cirque De Soleil, Mirrormask etc.) Then slowly you are taken into a wonderful story that has a hint of mystery. A boy meets a man who sells what appear to be wild birds. At first the boy is apalled at the thought of it and uses his only coin to purchase one with the best intentions of setting it free. But we all know where good intentions get us! I won't tell you any more because this is a short story with a twist, a beautifully illustrated tale about karma.

But we can make a little bit of good karma of our own, we are going to help some wild birds pimp out their nests. Without giving any strange men our last coins. In fact, this shouldn't cost you a single penny. We are going to help the birds build their nests this spring! To do so you will only need a few things from your craft cupboards (I know you all have said cupboard with these supplies!)
I used onion and apple mesh bags I had been saving, some scrap yarns (The green stuff had been pre-cut to 4: lengths for a project but I changed my mind at the last minute), jute twine, some hot pink synthetic twine for colour and wool.

I say this for two reasons, for super little ones (like mine) this is tricky and best done by an adult in advance. Also, trying to fill the mesh bag strand by strand is super tesious as they catch on the holes.
We used a mixture of synthetic and natural fibres. The natural fibres separate really nicely into super fine strands, the synthetic didn't like to be pulled too small but I couldn't help add a bit of colour to the mix.

 Please ignore the carcass like appearance!
The Mister fashioned this bird feeder out of an old satellite dish today. We haven't quite worked out a cover yet but when the tree leafs up nicely it shouldn't much matter. Like it? The birds do! Took them about ten minutes to scope it out the smorgasbord!

Now your backyard birds will have the hottest nests out there! I hope you enjoyed the how to and I hope you skip on down to your local library and check out a copy of The Birdman, I promise you will love the twist at the end!
I think we'll do at least one more kid friendly bird craft before the week is out, what with Earth Day coming up and all!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday on Wednesday

The camera was found! (In the mister's pocket no less!) I can now share with you photos from our trip to Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area Sugarbush!(Say that three times fast!) We enjoyed ourselves so much that we will be back for many an outing this summer.

Photo heavy post so I made a jump for you to view the rest.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Crafty Weekend

Hey there! Ho there! Hi there! Sorry for the delay in posting this but I was incredibly busy yesterday. Didn't stop until bedtime and it felt like it couldn't come soon enough. But here I am well rested and super excited because I have already finished one and a half super top secret project! So, no pictures of course (You know being top secret and all) but I have your pictures to share!

Megan of Cut The Craft! made these super tasty looking Rocky Road Brownie Balls. Don't they lok heavenly next to that glass of milk? For the full recipe and how-to visit her blog here

This beautiful upcycled vase was made by Phone Home Designs. Have you ever seen a Pringles can look so stylish?

Believe it or not, this is two people dressed up at stick people for Halloween! Sue of Counting Bunnies Too is just so clever! This is totally going in the vault for a future Halloween! To see how she made it look to authentic, visit the post here.

Busy busy bees you all have been! What have you been up to lately? Baking, scrapbooking, sewing? How about papier mache? Distressed any great flea market finds? Share with us your creative endeavors! Feel free to grab and share the buttons below! Also, don't forget to visit the link before yours and leave some good comment karma! Have fun crafties!


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