Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday

Apple Orchard (41)Apple Orchard (47)Apple Orchard (83)

If I was in denial before today, I think it is safe to say that Autumn is here. As if to drive the point further home we visited a local orchard today with friend's preschool class. It was wonderful, the fresh air, the puddles, the pumpkins and maize. I bought a half bushel of Spy apples and I cannot wait to start baking them! For more photos of our feild trip visit the Flickr photoset here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To : Organize Carded Vintage Buttons

Happy Tuesday! I have a super quick post for you today. A little bit of craft-y storage. I am a storage geek. Seriously, if I pass by a magazine rack with a DIY organizational theme, I buy it, I don't even look inside. If I pass a book claiming to make my closet a better place, I buy it. Don't even get me started on the home organization isles at Lowes! (Seriously don't, I won't stop just ask The Mister.) So, when I had this flash of brilliance, I thought I would share it with you!

Shiny Vintage buttons!
Remember these? Mmm shiny vintage(ish) buttons! Well as much as I loved having a giant box ful it just wasn't working for me in the organized department. I had to root through looking for that perfect set only to find out I didn't have enough! *wistful sigh* Fret not! Because I have come up with a super simple, super sleek and super fabulous solution!


Tadaa!! I know, it doesn't look like much but stay with me! This is a super cheap, super fast and super fabulous way to store all your carded buttons.

All you need are:
Sports card protecter binder pages
Paper or fabric (Whichever you would like to cover your binder in)
Buttons on cards

Watch how simple this is!

grey binder
Acquire your binder. If you don't have any laying around you can find them at your local thrift shop or dollar store. I bought some second hand for fifty cents a piece.

Covered Binder
Cover your binder with any material you have/want. I used white paper I had on a roll. I like white. It makes me happy. Also, the "BUTTONS" sticker I made for the spine stands out perfectly.

Acquire your card sheets. I bought mine at our local hobby/comic/collector shop for twenty five cents each. Super sweet score. You can also find them at the dollar store (these ones are a little flimsy though) or online like EBay. Put them in your binder.

Card Pockets
Add your buttons! I have a separate sheet for each colour. And for now I don't bother using both sides of the sheets so that I can see the next page through any empty sections. Like in this pic I can see the orange page, some of the yellow page and some of one blue page.

I seriously love this idea. While I was at the comic book store I saw more card sheets with different sized pockets. You could organize your fabric swatches (for those of us who store our fabric in bins, I think this is a lovely idea!), you could organize your clear stamps (I am so on top of that one when I get my scrapbooking supplies unpacked!) and your scrapbooking embellishments! I can't wait to do all of these, a simple shelf or two with white binders will look so much better than the billions of mismatched boxes and containers I have.

Linking here and here:

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Crafty Weekend

Monday is here again my fellow crafties! It is on the dreary side but I have too much to do today to get down about the weather. Wednesday and I had fun with some glue and paper this morning, and I would love to get in some sewing during her nap this afternoon. I also have a teeth cleaning this afternoon. Busy busy busy! I was super busy this weekend in the craft department too!

Denim & Pink Pillow PleatsDenim & Pink Pillow

Please ignore the lumpy-less-than-filled look. I had to improvise stuffing the pillow for a photo and used a folded hoodie. My fibre-fill is in storage! (Something I forgot until after the pillow was finished.)
On top of the super cute, super girly accessory set I made for my fourth and final giveaway I made this pillow! It is so cute I almost can't stand it! I made it from recycled denim and a super cute Heather bailey fat quarter I picked up at my local fabric store in the spring. I aodore it. I only wish it was bigger but the denim pieces I had restricted the size of the pillow. That is okay though 12x12" is still good and it being smaller just means room for more cute cushions!
I added a pleated section of the print fabric to the front, I had to sew down the pleats because I just couldn't get them to stay flat but that is okay, I like the finished look. The back side with the stripes just kind of happened. I think it looks super sharp, the dark denim and white background of the print.

So yeah, I have been making up for lost time I guess! Here are some of your fabulous projects!
These pretty little things were made by Michelle of Michelle Made Me. They look like freehand painting but the designs are Mod Podged on. I love it, anyone can do it because she gives you a tutorial here.
Lacy panties to the rescue! Due to an ironing mishap Allie had to come up with something quick to fix and finish this fabulous shirt. Visit her blog to read more about it!

ZOMG! Pom pom acorns! KJ of Let's Go Fly A Kite shared these adorable acorns last week. What I love about them is now we can make our own fuzzy acorns without the need for roving wool. (That is one of must-have-but-still-don't-have items.) For the super cute and super easy how to vist the blog post here.
 And now it is your turn again my fellow makers! What have you been simmering, painting, Mod Podging, stringing and sewing? You know the rule: Visit the link before you and leave some super nice words of encouragement. After that, if you would like to add my awesome buttons to your awesome posts you are of course welcome and encouraged to do so!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Final Giveaway!!


Wow! Week number four of Giveaway Month! Are you as excited as I am? Awesome! So this month I gave away stuff I made, I gave away stuff I liked, I even gave away something from someone I had never met, after all of that I thought I would return to giveaway something I have made. :) I actually made it all this weekend. ready to see it? OK!

Pretty in Pink Giveaway

I am calling this one Pretty in Pink! I made a purse, (Tutorial is in the works!)singed flower headband and barrettes this weekend. I thought someone's little girl might be super excited to get decked out in pink sparkly fabric and satin! I know Wednesday was loving the purse so when I make hers next I'll take photos. It was so simple and yet so darn cute!

Okay, this one is just as simple as the rest. To enter, be a follower and comment telling me so and for whom the set is for you or a special little girl in your life!
Contest closes Friday October 1st at 9pm. Contest closed, thank you so much for playing. Tune in tomorrow to see if you won!

Cheers and thanks for playing!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stay Tuned!

Watching Ants

Hi guys, I know I promised a giveaway today but I have to divert my energies elsewhere for just a couple days. I will announce the giveaway on Sunday night though. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Winner!! Giveaway #3 : CSN Gift Card !!


This giveaway received the biggest response ever! Thank you to everyone who played along and welcome to my newest followers! The winner is...


According to random number generator, the winner is #41, MommyWantsToRead said...
"I am a new GFC follower. Look forward to keeping up with your blog"

You will be contacted today with said gift certificate. Thanks everyone who plaed. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the fourth and final giveaway!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday : Video Edition

I don't share many videos for a few different reasons but mostly because I don't take a lot of videos. I like pictures, and sometimes I forget the magic of video. You know, when it is a year or more down the road and so much has changed, what a smile a simple 30 second video can bring.

When Wednesday was a year and half we signed her up for Kindermusik classes. that was some of the best money we ever spent. It was a little expensive for us but worth every penny. We still listen to the cds that came with enrollment and Wednesday still does the actions. I uploaded some of the Kindermusik Fiddle Dee Dee songs to her little ghetto blaster and she often turns it on and starts to dance. This video is from last week. She had barely been up from her nap and was still in just her tighty whities and socks when she was dancing up a storm. I had the great idea to take some videos of her and now I am sharing one with you.

p.s. For those of you wondering why my little girl wears tighty whities it is because they are darn near wedgie proof. When we first started potty learning Wednesday her little bum just didn't fit into little girls panties worth a snot and it bothered me to see them constantly riding up. With little boys briefs the problem was solved instantly. She is bigger now and fits into girls panties much better but as long as the briefs fit, she'll wear them too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sew What! Holiday Edition!

sew what holiday button large

This is it folks! This is the start of Sew What Holiday Edition! Fret not, it is not actually starting today. Think of this as more like try-outs. I am laying out all of the projects and the [very few] rules today giving everyone a head start on which projects the can and/or want to make.

Edit* For those of you who were not here for Sew What in the spring/summer, Sew What! is a month long sew along hosted by Cynthia The Sewing Dork and myself. We offer up four projects, once a week and post all of the readers submissions as the weeks pan out. To see the previous sew along pictures and posts click here.

This time, the guidelines are even more loose than last time. No techniques and no specific materials. Just you, your imagination and your sewing machine...sort of. There are still project ideas. would you like to know what they are? Okay!

Week one : A gift for him *bonus craft: holiday garland

Week two : A holiday Outfit

Week three: A stocking or toy or both!

Week four: An ornament for the tree

The challenges will still be posted a week prior to a showcase for each project starting Sunday, October third. And for those of you worried that This bit of Christmas sewing might interfere with your other holiday prep such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, there will be a two week intermission starting October twenty fourth (So everyone has a week prep time for Halloween) and ending November seventh (just in time for American Thanksgiving.) Sorry fellow Canadians, I just couldn't wait until after our Thanksgiving to start!

Also, reader submissions will still be taken by comments with links to blog posts, emailed photos or everyone's favourite uploading them to share in the Flickr Sewing Dork Showcase group. It is super fun to browse through all the great ideas and submissions!
I hope that was easy to decipher. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via the button on my sidebar.

For those of you cool cats who would like to share the fabulous button on your blogs and posts, just copy and paste the code int he text box. Cheers!

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Crafty Weekend

Happy Monday folks! I hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine. We had some lovely weather and made ti out to the Madoc Fair. Super good times at the midway, the lawnmower races and livestock show. After visiting three fairs this summer we finally found one we can't wait to go back to next year! But, ahem...yes...weekend craftiness.

Shiny Vintage buttons!

I have none of my own creations to share today, but I did pick up some grooviness at the thrift shop this morning and thought I would share with you a picture of some of my newest buttons.

You guys have been busy though! Below are a couple highlights from the link up last week.

This cute little laptop cover was made by Paige of Simply Handmade from a changing pad! In case you haven't visited her before I urge you to. She is just a tender fourteen and yet she has her own craft blog and Etsy shop! Plus she just has some fantastic taste. Visit this post for the tutorial.

Anji of Starking Crafty & Party linked to her finished invites for her adorable daughter's Alice in Wonderland Birthday Party. Theya re gorgeous. I love the use of Sir john Tennial's illustrations don't you? Visit this post to see more pictures.

Tavia of MamaTave linked to a giveaway., She is giving away this gorgeous layered skirt she made for her daughter (Who is also gorgeous, look at those curls!) *Weep* They grow so fast. If you would like a chance to win this skirt visit this post for all the details.

I just want to say thank you guys for linking up all of your great projects! I love My crafty Weekend. And although I don't always comment (I am a notorious lurker) I love looking again and again. That being said, it is time to link up again! You know the rule: Visit the link before you and leave some super nice words of encouragement. After that, if you would like ot add my super duper buttons to your super duper posts you are of course welcome and encouraged to do so! So, lets see 'em folks! What have you been carving, pasting, painting, mixing, gluing and nailing these days? With fall coming, I thought I would link up the fabulous rushed scarf from my header.


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Giveaway #3 : CSN Gift Card !!

Happy Friday folks! I hope your Friday is just as sunny and bright as ours! In case it is not, I have a little cheer for you. Remember when I announced Giveaway Month, I said that there would be stuff I have made, stuff I like and stuff from folks I have never met? Well, that is what this week's giveaway is about!

Months and months ago, contacted me, and asked if I would be interested in some sort of promotional fun with them, whether it be in the form of a giveaway or review etc. I was totally interested, but somehow it got shifted to the back burner. Well, as some sort of super stroke of luck, they contacted me again, just in time for Giveaway Month! So, here it is a draw for a $35 giftcard from!
Just in case some of you are still unfamiliar with this 200+ e-store company, CSN stores have a ton of items, from bistro sets (Which make me wish I had twelve different patios to outfit!) to coffee tables and bookshelves, to fabulous items for children. I wasn't exaggerating, they have over 200 stores ... I could go on forever! You just need to go and check it out for yourself.

Since this is one of those cross promotional giveaway deals, I am going to give you a few more chances to win.
  • One entry: Be a follower and comment telling me so.
  • Second entry: Blog about it and comment with the link to your blog post.
  • Third entry: Tweet this and comment telling me your twitter handle.
Easy peasy lemon sqeezey folks! Contest closes Wednesday September 22nd at 9 pm sharp! Winner will be contacted/posted Thursday the 23rd. Good luck! Contest closed. Come back tomorrow to see if you were the lucky winner!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vintage Sheet Bundle Winners!!


This week we are doing two drawings for two bundles of vintage sheet fat quarters. Mmm vintage sheets. Ok, drum roll please!!

Random 1

Believe it or not, the first number I drew was the number one! Julie of Singing Three Little Birds said...
"I really love vintage buttons. Especially those pretty pink ones! I have been experimenting with buttons in my jewelry and would probably use them for that. The fabric would be great for some sewing projects for my daughter I've been thinking about! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh, and I've been following for a little while!" Congratulations Julie, you have won the pink and yellow bundle.

Random 9

The next number was nine: Julia of Everyday Mom Ideas said...
"Im am a new follower and love your little hair clip tutorial. I would make lots of those denim barrettes as gifts for friends and even for myself. They are just too adorable!" The blue and green bundle is all yours Julia!

Emails have been sent. If you have not received a note from me requesting your mailing addresses, please check your spam folders!

Thanks everyone for playing along! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another sweet giveaway!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday

All dressed upP9060098P9060125

Sometimes, even free spirited tree huggers have to dress up and be adorable. A friend's third birthday is just such an occasion.
Thanks for visiting, I hope you are having a fabulous week.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Singed flower bib necklace

I know that I said I would have a tutorial today, and I would have. Except I really wanted to make this instead. In retrospect I should have finished the tutorial. Can I just say that designing accessories is a lot more fun than actually making them sometimes. This was much nicer in my mind. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty and really for my first bib necklace ever I shouldn't be down about it. But it was so much prettier in my head!

Also, can I just say how much I detest working with hot glue on wearables? Next time I am using Mod Podge and Aileen's Tacky Glue. Ugh, I really don't like seeing any glue anywhere and if you smear some good luck getting it off. Ugh. Somehow, I managed to get this one without to many disasters probably due to the fact that I hand sewed as much as I could. But those darn buttons had shanks that were not working for me so when I cut the shank off I had to first glue the black to the silver and then the set to the flowers. Ugh little bits of glue were oozing, just enough to drive me crazy! And then, when I got antsy to have it finished and realized that the denim was in fact not heavy enough to keep the bib laying flat, I decided to hot glue a piece of felt to the back of the bib. How I managed to pull that off without giving myself a third degree burn I don't know.

But it is pretty right? Make me feel better about making more and maybe I'll make you one? In the mean time, don't forget to enter Week #2 Giveaway if you haven't and I'll see you tomorrow for Wednesday On Wednesday. ♥

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Crafty Weekend - Rain Rain Go Away

Good day my crafty friends! I hope you had a fabulous week ending with a fabulous weekend. Ours was a bit of ho hum due to some serious cloud cover but Saturday brightened our spirits with some sunshine for a little girls birthday party. I cannot think of a better reason for some sunshine can you?

This is where my creative space has been all weekend though. I cannot wait to actually see the results, I am so excited! I also worked on more singed flowers. I came up with a design that I call the singed lotus and will be sharing the tutorial tomorrow (hopefully). It really is super fabulous!

Last week some fabulous links were entered. Here is a but a sample of the fabulousness you guys have been up to!

Janet of Janet of all Trades posts about this great Ikea hack (I have always wanted to say that lol). The reason I loved it so much was because she had the awesome idea to recover two at once. We all know how our craft scrapbooking decorating recipe sewing magazines can get out of hand right? Go here to see the tute to contain them prettily.

I have been seeing these toilet paper pumpkins everywhere since I saw this one last week. This one was made by Monica of Monzanita's Arts & Crafts. I loved both the simplicity of the project and her anecdote about searching them out for their precious cargo! Go here to read the entertaining post.

We all love books right? Seriously, in just a couple weeks you will see how much I do. But that is neither here nor there. What is, is this fantastic bookmark made by Tina of Twinkle Toes Bowtique. It is with a photo of your (or the recipient's) favourite person. Super great gift for grandparents yes? You can find the super simple tutorial here.

You guys are awesome. Such talented people indeed. And now it is time to show how awesome you are this week. Remember the one rule? Visit the link posted before yours and leave an encouraging comment. Super easy yes? Good. Now! Link up your creations. What have you been baking, building, roasting, sewing, painting, gluing or Mod Podging?! We would love to see. And, if you are feeling particularly awesome you can always scoop up a button to let others know where to find you!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Two for Giveaway Week #2


Wow, I am really getting this one in under pressure! I have spent the morning prepping these prizes and I only moments ago finished taking the photos and uploading them! Wanna see? Ok!


Some of you that have been reading me for a little while know my love for working with vingtage linens. If asked in an interview about my favourite material(s) to work with I would answer "Vintage sheets and then denim." So, this week, I thought I would share that love and give away TWO prize packs! Up for this weeks draw are two vintage sheet five-fat quarter bundles and matching vintage(ish) buttons! I am a craft hoarder, and this was hard. But to show how much I love you, each bundle has a fat quarter from my most favourite sheet ever!


In this bundle of pretty pinks and yellows you'll notice on the top is the yellow sheet I have made so many wonderful things from already. And, as much as I love it, I felt I should pass on some of the sunshine.


If you look closely at this prize pack you'll notice there is a fat quarter from the very sheet I made my winning skirt with. (For those of you who are just joining us, the denim and patchwork skirt in my header is the skirt I am talking about.)That fat quarter was hard to give up as well for it screams vintage to me and the colours are so soothing.

But, on to the giving away part! (See, I told you I love those sheets!) For a chance to win one of these fat quarter bundles you need only two things. The first is become a follower if you are not already. The second is tell me which pack you prefer and what you would do with it!

Just in case you have no idea what a fat quarter is (Like myself until a couple months ago) these fat quarters are Canadian fat Quarters or Diaper Cuts, meaning they measure 20x22".

Contest closes Midnight Thursday September 16 and winner will be announced Friday the 17th. Good luck and happy Friday! Draw is closed, thank yo so much for participating and I hope you come back for more great giveaways!