Happy Tuesday! I have a super quick post for you today. A little bit of craft-y storage. I am a storage geek. Seriously, if I pass by a magazine rack with a DIY organizational theme, I buy it, I don't even look inside. If I pass a book claiming to make my closet a better place, I buy it. Don't even get me started on the home organization isles at Lowes! (Seriously don't, I won't stop just ask The Mister.) So, when I had this flash of brilliance, I thought I would share it with you!

Remember these? Mmm shiny vintage(ish) buttons! Well as much as I loved having a giant box ful it just wasn't working for me in the organized department. I had to root through looking for that perfect set only to find out I didn't have enough! *wistful sigh* Fret not! Because I have come up with a super simple, super sleek and super fabulous solution!
Tadaa!! I know, it doesn't look like much but stay with me! This is a super cheap, super fast and super fabulous way to store all your carded buttons.
All you need are:
Sports card protecter binder pages
Paper or fabric (Whichever you would like to cover your binder in)
Buttons on cards
Watch how simple this is!

Acquire your binder. If you don't have any laying around you can find them at your local thrift shop or dollar store. I bought some second hand for fifty cents a piece.

Cover your binder with any material you have/want. I used white paper I had on a roll. I like white. It makes me happy. Also, the "BUTTONS" sticker I made for the spine stands out perfectly.

Acquire your card sheets. I bought mine at our local hobby/comic/collector shop for twenty five cents each. Super sweet score. You can also find them at the dollar store (these ones are a little flimsy though) or online like
EBay. Put them in your binder.

Add your buttons! I have a separate sheet for each colour. And for now I don't bother using both sides of the sheets so that I can see the next page through any empty sections. Like in this pic I can see the orange page, some of the yellow page and some of one blue page.
I seriously love this idea. While I was at the comic book store I saw more card sheets with different sized pockets. You could organize your fabric swatches (for those of us who store our fabric in bins, I think this is a lovely idea!), you could organize your clear stamps (I am so on top of that one when I get my scrapbooking supplies unpacked!) and your scrapbooking embellishments! I can't wait to do all of these, a simple shelf or two with white binders will look so much better than the billions of mismatched boxes and containers I have.
Linking here and here: