Today marks the first day of the Sew What! Sew Along! Woo hoo! I have already given the first assignment here and here but to make it officially official, here is the first assignment and the parametres that go along with it.
Challenge 1a) You are making a skirt, it can be for mama or child, but I know that Cynthia & myself are both making skirts for Mama.
1b) The entire challenge requires you choose one fabric and one fabric only for the month but due to a clerical error, we are allowing that this challenge you may choose either A) Your chosen fabric for the month long challenge, or B) Recycled denim. It is a long story that maybe Cynthia will explain and maybe not, but it has worked out in everyone's favour especially mine.
1c) You may use one or two fabrics more for embellishment by applique only.
1d) Challenge commences tonight (Sunday May 30th, 2010) and will run until Sunday @ Noon EST June 6th, 2010 where your entries will be upload to The Sewing Dork's Flickr Showcase Group or emailed to myself or Cynthia via our blogger profiles.
1e) On Sundays we will announce the next challenge and within a day or two we will showcase the submissions.
For a more comprehensive explanation of the sew along you can go here.
Below is a list of co-conspirators who have signed up for the challenge:
Steph of Mon Petit Poppet
Erin of Luck & Bliss
Donna of Comin' Home
Jaimie of Two Chicks & A Hen
Deci of Rick Rack Shack
Mandi of The Common Thread Kingston
Angela Pea of Keeping The Faith
And of course, my partner in crime for this adventure Cynthia, The Sewing Dork herself.
If you think you would like to play along please leave a comment at a related post (This one or the original so far) and I will add you to the list!
That is it folks.Neither Cynthia or myself have ever hosted a sew along, so this is all new to us. We are still working out kinks so if you have any input please do not hesitate to share it with us!
Don't forget to have fun. Rules are really just guidelines if your creativity takes you elsewhere BY ALL MEANS go with it! ♥
Don't forget to grab a button to help spread the word!