Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To : T-Shirt Poppy

You know, this blogging thing is not like riding a bike. I took such a long break that I am having trouble typing things like introductions. I know weird right? It could also be that between My Crafty Weekend and the two Tumblr blogs that I have gotten used to typing quick and informative blurbs about photos and posts. Maybe? So how about I just show you a picture of what we'll be making and move on to the directions?
Every now and then I surprise myself.  This jersey poppy is one of those times. There are a lot of fabric flower tutorials out there. Like, a lot. I know, I have them bookmarked! But this is one I don't remember seeing anywhere and came up with just kind of messing around. I think the best ideas come that way don't they? No pressure to create, just playing. Anyhoo, it is super simple, super cheap (Old t-shirts, scraps and eyelets.) and super fabulous. This is how it is done:
Gather ye supplies.

 Voila! Ca c'est tres bon!
Enjoy your awesome handiwork.
This is what I used mine on. More on that (the pillow) next week!
Now go one with your crafty selves! 

p.s. I'm proudly linking to: 

 Made By You Mondays @ Skip to My Lou
Inspire Me Monday @ Singing Three Little Birds
 Motivate Me Monday @ Keeping it Simple 
Making The World Cuter Monday @ Making The World Cuter
Tutorial Tuesday @ Hope Studios
Creative Share Wednesday @ The Trendy Treehouse
Idea Sharin' Wednesday @ Women Who Do It All
Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts
 We Did It Wednesday @ Sew Much Ado
Strut Your Stuff @ Somewhat Simple
Make It & Wear It @ The Train To Crazy
Weekend Wrap-Up Party @ Tatertots & Jello


Polly @ Pieces by Polly said...

Those are really cute. I might have to get an eyelet setter. :)

Nancy said...

How cute! I had never thought to use eyelets for the center. Love it!!! I am lovin' the pillow to. I heart upcycled jean projects :0)

Anonymous said...

This is very cute. As far as getting back into blogging--I know exactly what you mean. If I blog every day, I have no problem doing it the next day. The longer the break, the harder it is to post again.

I don't know if you read Gretchen Rubin's blog for The Happiness Project, but one of the things she talks about is that it's much easier to do something every single day than it is to do it only sometimes, and I think that's totally true.

Maya Kuzman said...

Oh my! That is one fabulous pillow!
Love the poppies - so easy to make yet so beautiful!

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

Very clever. Love the use of the grommets and I understood your instructions, perfecty :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE the finished pillow!!! Just... wow!

Carolla Zochollini said...

oh! I love this pillow! Gotta try those poppies!

Sara vs. Sarah said...

these are really cute and YES a cute and different approach to the TONS of fabric flowers out there. love 'em! -sara

The Nowell's said...

I love poppies and these are so cute! I absolutely love love love this pillow and want it!!!

Jill said...

Lovely poppies! So simple and straightforward (or at least you make it seem so!) :)

I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
Have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Kelly @ Run With Glitter said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!I would love it if you added this to my new link party!

Brandy J. said...

I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This is such a cute project and an awesome idea. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

Shannon said...

Love it! It is especially great since tee shirt projects are my gave!

Julianna said...

Really great! I love these! Thanks for linking up this week.
Julie @ Singing Three Little Birds.

Katherine said...

Cute! Too bad I don't have an eyelet setter. Hrm.

Jill said...

So cute! And I love how easy your tutorial is to follow.

Su said...

Oh yeah! That is gorgeous

Admin said...

I love this blog