Thursday, February 3, 2011

About Us...Right Now

This is me. My name is Melissa, Missy to most. I am the incredibly fortunate stay at home mama to Wednesday and wife to Ron (AKA The Mister).  I am a coffee loving, Supernatural watching, zombie fearing crafter in my early thirties. I have a bazillion interests but primarily I adore creating (particularly sewing) and natural living. I am also a fairly apt baker if I do say so myself. I am a patriotic Canadian to the core living in South Eastern Ontario (Belleville to those familiar with the geography.) Here in my corner of the blogosphere you will posts on sewing, crafting, baking with a little gardening (coming soon) and every now and then an editorial piece. Please grab a coffee (because you know I have one!) or tea if that is your pleasure and poke around, and if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me via any of the links in my sidebar.

Wednesday is my three year old daughter and I am able to type, sew, craft, read, cook and bake "Until Wednesday Calls". She is my reason for waking in the morning. I love her to bits and pieces. She is a diva all the way. She loves to play dress up, perform for friends and family (And the odd strangers at the bus stop), she loves her Barbie dolls and making them dress up and perform. She is rarely seen imitating domestic activity but positively glows when using glue and glitter. She is a three-nager and sometimes you can hear our battle of wills in the next room but the self discovery (both hers and mine) is worth more than all the coffee in Columbia tea in China. I post recent photos of her every Wednesday in a weekly post called Wednesday on Wednesday. Sometimes it is a simple photo and other times it is a short photo essay about her, but always it is a super tenderhearted moment here.

Ron AKA The Mister. He is the reason I can be a stay at home mom taking care of Wednesday and the house. He is also one of the most wonderful people I know. I have yet to meet anyone quite as generous of both self and possessions. He is also a skilled carpenter and artist. We bonded over coffee (no joke) and it continues to keep us together (We have a rule in our house: No talky talky before the coffee drinky drinky.) . He is our provider, our mechanic, our comic relief and all around Captain Awesome.

Even in hard times I know that we are a blessed family to have each other and I am most thankful.


  1. So nice to meet you! I've been following you blog for awhile and always enjoy your posts.


  2. Great post! So nice to hear more about your family and your story Melissa. The photos are sweet too!

  3. Lovely post, and cute photos :)

  4. Hey missy,
    Found something for you regarding your tumblr post on the bird feeder ornaments and a vegan alternative to the gelatin. You can use vegetable shortening and just bake it a little longer.
    Hope this helps.


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!