Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Crafty Weekend

First off, I would just like to say thank you for all the well wishes we have been receiving. It has been a tumultuous time for us as a afamily, what with all the snot, coughing and just general wretchedness. But we are very near our usual superhuman 100% and business in the Sweet houshold has returned to what passes for normal. So thank you, for both the sympathetic vibes and your understanding.

But enough about the mucus and germs, lets talk crafty stuff. Did I mention my craft area is all but operational? Oh yes, as soon as I had even the remotest amount of energy I spent it unpacking, organizing, sorting, and arranging. Wash, rinse, repeat. For serious folks. Some things, I must have unpacked and rearranged three or four times. You know when you unpack something and you 'think' you have found the perfect spot for it, that is until you unpack the next thing and that spot you just filled would in fact be perfect for the item you have in front of you. Yeah. That happened a lot for me. Not tom mention, the five shelf bookcase of books I had to relocate so that I could relocate a couple hundred DVDs. For serious. But, whatever. My point is (and I do have one) that my craft space is almost operational, and by operational I mean that all of my fabric and supplies have been unpacked, organized and arranged. My sewing machine is in my sewing table. All that is missing is a counter top, but I have that in the works, it is just a matter of sweet talking the hubby into actually procurring it for me. I am hoping to have pics (and projects) to share with you this week. :)

Blah blah blah until the pictures come though right? Ok, well, how about pictures of your stuff? Yes? Ok.

Allie, of What Allie's Making shares some pictures of an absolutely darling Valentine decor piece. So simple too. She made hers out of wood, but I bet painted box board or papier mache letters would work just as well. You can visit the post here for more photos.

Marissa of Threaded Together made the care package above for her deployed hubby. He's on an aircraft carrier so she made magnetic Valentines to send. So cute, Visit the blog post to read about it and get the instructions to make your own.

Ms. Muffin of Muffins and More made this adorable hooded scarf. She has a great post about the trials and tribulations of making your own patterns. Luckily it all worked out though. To read more or see more pictures, visit the blog post here.

Some wonderful stuff. Lots of handmade goodies for the holidays. What have you been up to recently? Been baking? I haven't baked anything in a few weeks (But to be fair I baked a sponge cake with a butterscotch and berry reduction AND a banana cream pie (from scratch sooo good) in the same weekend.) Been sewing? Or scrapbooking? I have unpacked all of my scrapbooking supplies and now...well, I am kind of overwhelmed it has been over a year since I have done a layout. Definitely intimidated but I'm working up to it. Whatever you have been up to,you simply must share it! Since there is only two weeks until Valentine's day, I am going to link up my Valentine projects from last year. I had went a bit crazy last year, but I can't help it. I even have a bunch of ideas for this year (but will I be able to execute them in a timely fashion?).Remember, buttons are optional but please please visit the link before you to leave some good bloggy karma in the form of an encouraging comment!


1 comment:

  1. Glad that the snot is on its way out! Thanks for hosting!


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