Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sew What!

sew what header
One part attitude, one part sew along and all fun baby!

This is something that has been in the works since April. Albeit a little halfheartedly until recently because I just couldn't get inspired for the graphics. I know, I can be weird sometimes. But, the more I sewed, the more I got 'into it' and the other night it just fell into place.

What the gosh darn heck am I talking about? A sew along of course! This is the brainchild of Cynthia from Confessions of a Sewing Dork and myself. But mostly Cynthia. I had initially asked her if she wanted to contribute to my denim month (Also coming in June, expect a post soon.) but she voiced a fear of denim but made up for it with an affinity for linen. I own linen but have never sewed with it so I just had a deer in the headlights sort of look. Then, she suggested a sort of sew off. (Not the sort that gets judged though.) I would work with my chosen fabric (recycled denim) and she would work with hers (linen). Brilliant I thought!

But wait, there's more! I thought, why not do a project a week?! Awesomeness. Then Cynthia had the brilliant idea to make rules! Normally, I am more of a guideline kind of person, but these rules are fun! Each week, along with a project, rules will be given, such as what materials you can use (if any) and/or techniques.

You're invited to play along! That's right, this is not just about The Dork and I. We really want everyone to sew along. Cynthia created a Flickr group (you have to be a member to post to it)to post your creations. We will feature reader's projects on the blogs as well.

The sew along is set to begin in June. I will give you a heads up on the first project now, and a reminder once a week for that and each following project.

Quick rundown of the project and rules:

Choose a single fabric. Choose wisely because this is the fabric you will be using to participate all month. It does not have to be from the same bolt or anything, just the same type of fabric e.g. recycled denim, linen, 100% cotton weaves, recycled t-shirts etc.

The first project is a skirt. It can be for mama or babe, but as a little hint Cynthia and I are making skirts for mama. Just a heads up, not every project will be an item of clothing, we tried for some variety!

We went straight up denim for these, no extra materials. Feel free to do whatever you want with your chosen fabric though.

Okay, there you have it. Sew along is set to begin Sunday May 30 and will run through the month of June. We will try to give you lots of notice for each project and it's guidelines as well as reminder posts.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation PLEASE feel free to contact myself (There is a button on my sidebar) or Cynthia. We welcome your questions and comments.

Class dismissed!

Don't forget to grab a button to show you are playing with us!

sew what button


  1. LOVE the graphic. YOu are so talented!

  2. This sounds fun..but have no idea what material to use. Does the first project need to be ready by May 30?

  3. Count me in! Sounds like fun. I'm going to use denim too I think :)

  4. Me!! Me!! I'll play! I'm choosing cotton fabric - anything cotton, specifically repurposed, recycled, previously loved and stash-busting cotton! (Hmm...if some other fiber just happens to be blended in the fabric without my knowledge, say, like silk-or-linen-or-maybe-even-lycra, will I be told to go away? Sent home in shame?)

    That denim skirt? I'm on to it. In 100% cotton denim, of course.

  5. Obviously I am MUCH too late for this challenge as it is halfway through June, but will you be doing this again? I would LOVE to participate in something like this!
    Please let me know!


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!