Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To : Ribbon Toys

Two posts in one day?! I guess I am making up for the slacking effort of last week! But here it is, ribbon toys for those breezy days or music and movement fun times. It was the perfect excuse to use the Glitter Mod Podge I had just acquired. And did it ever turn out groovy if I do say so myself!

Ribbon Toy Close Up
This tutorial is super easy, and super pretty and super fun! All the while being perfect for a birthday gift, or loot bag or just because!

Wooden curtain rings approximately 2 3/4 inches in diameter
Mod Podge I used glitter my new favourite thing in the world!
If you don't have or do not want to use Mod Podge, you just need to seal wood, white glue would work just as well I suspect.
Ribbons I found polyester ones worked really nicely. If you have satin or silk that would be super awesome too. I didn't try grosgrain but I just didn't think it would flow well, ya know?

A note from the author:
This is easily a no sew project if you just want to hot glue where I sewed. My glue gun and I only get along half the time, the other half well, it takes a while to heal after wards.


Super pretty ribbon toys!

It took a day to seal and dry the two coats of Mod Podge, but I was an hour out of town for most of the day so I didn't rush the drying time. This a.m. when I did these up it might have taken an hour from start to finish and that is with the fray checking and thread changing on the machine.

Have fun crafting!
Proudly linking to:

Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts
Idea Sharin' Wednesday @ Women Who Do It All
Creative Share Wednesdays @ Trendy Treehouse
Show & Tell @ Blue Cricket Designs
Show US What You're Workin' With @ Me & My Bucket
Looking for that Creative High @ Those Northern Skies


  1. These are great - we just made some using a birch branch piece and drilled holes along the edges, and tied ribbons on.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  2. great idea for using up my scrap ribbon! thanks for the post

  3. Yay! I know one little girl you just made super happy. Thanks for stopping by Kids Stuff World

  4. Cute idea :)
    I know a few little girls who would love these!

  5. Super cute and neat! I am definite;y going to have to try this one. Link this up to Mad Skills Monday over at SSB! Hope to see you there!


  6. Your ribbon toys are so pretty! I know my Lena will love one! I'm so glad I have at least one granddaughter to make things for. I'll file this away in my "Wednesday" file...or just come back here! You are so crafty Melissa!

  7. These are so cute! And who doesn't have ribbon laying around? I have tons!

  8. How fun! My son would love to play with one of these!

  9. these are beautiful!!! i have made something like these before but not as intricate as yours melissa!! i just tie the ribbons on and i loooveee the sparkles you added!!!!!

  10. These are really pretty and fun.. in fact you just reminded me I did promise to make my daughter some ribbon streamer toy thingys like this! Thank you.. I must do them soon..

  11. Ribbon toys are always so much fun - put on the dance music and watch the loveliness. :)

  12. Those are really cute! I'm sure my girls would love them!

  13. This are GREAT! I hope you don't mind I just pinned them on my pinterest page. :-)


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