Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday on Wednesday (or Thursday)

It has been ages since I shared some photos of Wednesday. (Since pre-Christmas I believe.) Good and bad excuses aside, I have some wonderful photos to share today. Last week we had some seriously unseasonable and amazing weather here in South Eastern Ontario. It was summer weather. We were out in shorts, and flip flops for the better part of the week. Before the weather could return to the seasonal cold and wet temperatures, I managed to whisk Wednesday off to the park for some sunshine, fun and photos.

Now it is back to raincoats, boots and mittens. What a glorious week it was though. I hope your spring is coming up daffodils!


  1. Might be snow tonight!!! Love the fancy Nancy parasol! Wednesday is getting so big!

  2. Oh MY! She is growing up so fast! I can't believe how grown up she looks.

  3. Wednesday is SO cute! And growing up so fast, my Cyan is the same. Bless them :)

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