Thursday, March 31, 2011

Anniversaries are special aren't they? They sure are, and a great blog I read called The Vintage Sheet Blog recently turned one and to celebrate Jen has been hosting a month of giveaways. Some seriously wonderful prize packs have been given away and some are still available!
Because of my roller coaster ride that is/was the month of march, I did not get to do a lot of sewing. But, I did manage to get a small fat quarter bundle together to give away!

These are five fat quarters (18x22")but really they are at least that in size, some are much bigger. And, in case you are wondering, I haven't even had the chance to sew with a couple of these. The top yellow one? I allowed myself that little goody recently (I have been on a very strict no new stash buying policy.) But it was too gorgeous not to pick up, I mean c'mon it is yellow and lacy!
The brooch is a little number I whipped up mostly because I felt bad that it was not a more exciting giveaway. ;)
If you would like a chance to win this pretty little pack, all you need to do is head over to The Vintage Sheet Blog and follow her instructions.
Bonne chance!


  1. I really admire your strict no new stash policy.

  2. Ooh, lovely! I will add this to my post about the vintage pillowcase pjs.

  3. I've entered the giveaway! Have you I love the brooch. Have you shared how to make one?

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway over at VS.

  5. Looks great. I will head over to enter and also link this to my blog.

  6. Beautiful flower brooch Melissa!


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