Monday, February 28, 2011

My Crafty Weekend

Good afternoon crafties! Sorry this post comes a little late, busy morning today, busy indeed! I did managed to squeak out a post though. Below is what got me excited this weekend!

Absolutely INSPIRED by this photo from the same post at Little Birdie Secrets I went thrifting almost the next day and found five shakers plus the cute tray for a dollar. A dollar folks! After a scrubbing (some still had salt and pepper!) I filled them with my very minimal glitter collection. I even raided Wednesday's stash I wanted them filled so badly! Cute though right? I can't wait to pick up more shakers and of course the glitter to go in them. Have any good glittery crafty links? I'm thinking Martha Stewart would have a few yes?

Aside from that I made some top secret stuff, to be revealed soon. And on that note let's have a look at what you got up to last week! The links were few but awesome!

Don't knit? Don't crochet? Then this is the scarf for you! Maya of Little Treasures has concocted this great tutorial for a no knit-no crochet scarflette! A little secret can totally crochet this as well! Visit the link to see what the heck I'm talking about.

Laurie of House To Your Home shared this fabulous guest bath redo. Wait until you get a load of the subway tile shower, it is just suburb! I do love me some subway tile. For other great photos visit her blog here.

Amy of Flexible Dreams shared this wonderful tutorial on how to refashion a drab cardigan into a fab girl's dress. If you are a sucker for a great refashion (especially for girls!) visit her blog here for the great step by step!

Now it is your turn again! What have you been up to lately? Baking, scrapbooking, sewing? How about papier mache? Distressed any great flea market finds? Share with us your creative endeavors! Feel free to grab and share the buttons below! Also, don't forget to visit the link before yours and leave some good comment karma! Have fun crafties!



  1. Thanks for hosting! Love those glitter shakers!

  2. Thank you Melissa on the lovely feature!! Honored to be here!

  3. Thanks so much for showing off my bathroom! What a great way to start the week!!

  4. Thanks for the feature! Your are TOO kind :-)

  5. Great features Melissa, love Little Treasure's scarf (speaking like a true non-knitter!!) and I love those salt shakers. I have always passed over them, what was I thinking!!!!

  6. I am in love with your glitter shakers!!! They are so much pretty then the plastic containers they come packaged in!


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!