Sunday, February 13, 2011

Alright craftees, are you sitting down? You're on your pcs, of course you're sitting down. Anyways, get this; I got crafty this weekend! I know, did it rain? Nope, not even a snow day. I have been trying to keep my projects simple though, and practical and for my workspace. Also, all projects have been stash busters, which has helped make space in the space. I made a table skirt out of a really pretty thrifted duvet and a dust cover for my serger but I haven't pictures of those yet. What I do have a is a picture of a bulletin board cover I did. I'd like to think it is pretty cool and kind of mod. Not your usual ribbon board, but I'll let yo be the judge.

I have made the ribbon boards, and there are some pretty ones out there but I wanted something different. I didn't want just fabric and tacks but sometimes ribbons just don't cut it. So I wrapped some cork pieces laying around (From the aforementioned ribbon board) in the same fabric and black, then attached them with upholstery tacks. Easy peasy. I have also covered a lampshade but have yet to take final pics of it or hang it. It is on the to do list though.

Last week the entries were all so wonderful! Below is just a sample of the fabulousness of last week.

Shauna of His Frugal Servant baked this delicious looking "Hint O' Cocoa" bundt cake. Visit here for the full recipe broken down to steps and with a few notes. I know I will be making this one!

This gorgeous workspace is also part family space and was created by Heidi of Budget Wise Home. I cannot believe she shares this space with her boys! To see more great pictures visit the post here.

Amy of Flexible Dreams made this a-freakin'dorable batch of "Nilla Girls". Omgoodness, have you seen anything cuter? If you can handle the cute, visit her blog here for more pictures.

Wow, busy little bees you have been! Now, time to show us what you have been baking, embroidering, painting, scrapbooking! (You know and all the other great stuff you have been up to!) I managed to wrangle up a thumbnail linky for the occasion. I hope that you will visit eachother and leave some good bloggy karma in the form of comments! As usual, here are some buttons, I would love it if you shared them but it is not necessary to play the game! Have fun and get crafty!



  1. Thanks for the feature! I'm so glad you liked my Nilla Girls :-) Who knew they'd be such a hit?

  2. thanks so much for hosting- and for the feature!! Hope you enjoy the cake as much as we did :D hehe- it was gone in 2-3 days!

  3. PS. how cute is your memo board?! I love the fabric you used :D

  4. I just published a post in which Debbie gave me the Stylish Blogger Award. Please stop by and see who I have passed it along to!

    Extreme Personal Measures

  5. Hi Melissa, I linked up with an older project this time, but I just added you to a special blog list under blogs that inspire...with thumbnails. I am working on something crafty this weekend though..fabric covered wall art on frames. It's half done.

    I love your ribbon board! Definitely mod. :o)


  6. Hey, I like your board, different to all the others! The covered cork bits look almost like pockets.

    Thanks for hosting, and I'm having a giveaway, please pop over and enter :)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!