Monday, January 3, 2011

My Crafty Weekend : New Year, New Projects!

I hope your holidays were as amazing, full of food, laughter and family as our were. Happy it is all over though. Today I am packing up the last of the decorations and relegating the seasonal boxes to their rightful places in storage. The first few days of the new year are always bittersweet yes? I am excited too though, for all the decorations dissappearing, my things like books and craft supplies are slowly starting to surface after more than a year of being stored. Slowly. Almost too slow but necessarily slow. More of that at another time though...

Right now I wanted to share with you a couple of super projects from last week! (Also, my apologies for not sharing last week, it had been so long since I had done a My Crafty Weekend I had forgotten!)

Lori of Paisley Passions never fails to deliver and deliver she did with these fabulous wood and vinyl growth charts. Check out her super easy (and adaptable for those without a Cricut) tutorial here.

These gorgeous snowflakes are made by Maleah of Little Eme. In her very first tutorial she shows how simple these are to make.

This stunning piece of canvas and photos was made by The Spangler of The Quick Unpick and you can make one too with her super easy tutorial.

And now it is your turn to share again! What have you been up to? Sewing, baking or painting? Knitting, crocheting or scrapbooking? I have some great ideas for some up coming projects but until things get a bit closer to normal around here and/or I get my camera situation sorted it is all about you guys! Here are some buttons you are welcomed and encourage to share but not required to. The only rule I have is that I ask you to visit the link before you and leave a note of encouragement. Think of it as comment karma. :)



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Stitched photo canvas - sending your beautiful blog much blog love :)
    The Spangler
    The Quick Unpick

  2. Thank you!! It's such a nice surprise to find yourself featured!! :)

  3. Thanks for hosting another party this week and a BIG thanks for featuring my growth charts :)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!