Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday

Our little tree hugger
"Take a picture of me hugging the tree Mommy." Our little tree hugger had a lot of fun on her very first camping trip. And so did we. For those of you interested in a few candid snap shots you can view the set here at Flickr.


  1. I don't believe it! My daughter Cyan always hugs trees! She has since she was a toddler.. I'll have to dig out some photos, I know I have them. It's a family joke as we're all greenies to call her tree hugger!

    Wednesday is so cheeky and cute :)

  2. I really look forward to these photos - so super cute.

  3. She looks so sweet and adorable (and I am sure she is too!!)

  4. We went on our first camping trip last weekend! The ground was tooooooo hard!

  5. Melissa..she is darling! What a great photo! My, she has grown a lot this year! You should go into child photography some day. :o)

    I have Sooo missed visiting your blog, Melissa. I used to come here every day. :o) Now I'm afraid I'm just keeping my head above water since my father passed away. If someone leaves a comment, I do my darnedest to reply. Guess who taught me blogging etiquette? You! I was such a newbie last Fall.

    It's funny, but I had to give up doing all the fun projects and sewing just so I can get caught up, so maybe in a few months I can do more fun projects and sewing. Ha! I have this 'house for sale' hung around my neck that is pretty much a pain in the neck. I'm about to beg Wells Fargo to please quit messing things up before I run out of money. I'm not joking either. It's a long story but their takeover of Wachovia has just about run the whole process into the ground! Sorry to be venting here.

    Gosh, Your blog looks just perfect now! And I love your photo of the garland and the garland too! What a fabulous idea! I love online images but I never would have thought to use them as you did.

    You are the most craftiest queen I know. (forgive the grammar -ha!) I'm exhausted thanks to my little cutie Lena who also had a major allergy (pre-cursor to asthma) attack for a couple of days. I was doing breathing treatments and medicine and baths trying to keep her comfortable all the while she was wanting mommy. After 24 hours I got her really stable, just in time to go home. My son says they go through the whole thing once a month. I'm glad she went through it on my watch and not at home with a brand new sibling.

    Thanks so much for the sweet comments. I do believe I'll get to visit here more soon as I think I'm getting to the end of the tunnel.

    Donna @ Comin' Home


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