Monday, August 30, 2010

My Crafty Weekend - Gone campin'

Hey there crafties! So, our cottage vacation was cut short due to the discovery of mold! It started with me sneezing constantly and ended with us discovering mold in the crawlspace of the newly-renovated-super-posh-wish-we-lived-there cottage! So, we have been puttering around here trying to figure out what to do. We decided on a short two night, three day camping trip at Bon Echo Provincial Park. So instead of sharing with you what I did this weekend (in the interest of full disclosure this was not much at all) I'm going to share a couple links from last week! Okay, on to the goodness!

First up are these adorable Corn Niblet Cupcakes made by Patti of A Crafty Escape. The original design came from the book Hello Cupcake which I also have but have not tried. Thanks to patti and her fabulous cupcakes though, I am super excited to get down and make some cupcakes!

I don't know what I love more, this Vinyl Hallway Tree, made by Kattie of Holm Made or her clever blog name. She has some great tips on making your own vinyl murals though, you should check it out.

Denim, denim everywhere! This gorgeous piece of practical fibre art was made by Michelle Made Me. I thought about making my own but hers is just so nice I don't know if mine could live up to those expectations! You should totally do it and to help, she has a tutorial here.

Recently, I was over at Life in the Pitts. Great blog, although I only recently discovered it. And for those of you that don't know, last week's edition of Creative Therapy was deemed the last. *Tear* I know, it is/was a great link party! But!~ To help carry on the tradition of that wonderful party, I promised to make an adendum to My Crafty Weekend. It goes like this: Once you have added your link, please visit the link before you and leave a comment of encouragement! You can visit as many or as few blog as you like, but I do ask that you visit at least the one, after all, we can al use good karma right?
Okay, and now for the linky linky fun! Below are some buttons that would be super swell of you to share but it is not required to play along. I added a felt cookie tute from the archive to get things started. Have fun and happy crafting!



  1. it appears felt is the material of choice this week, eh? your cookies look delicious!

    melissa, thanks for the feature! wow, that is so nice of you!!! i'm a lucky one, aren't I? :)

  2. Thanks for featuring my Corney Cupcakes, I can't wait to see your version.


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!