Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Third Birthday Wednesday!

Happy Birthday Beautiful.
Today Wednesday turned three years old. We celebrated by jumping in puddles, blowing bubbles and then getting all prettied up to eat ice cream cake at Grandma Betty's.


  1. Ah...Happy Birthday Wednesday. I hope it was a great day...and that your cake was yummy. Happy Birth Day to you too Melissa. I bed you are feeling quite nostalgic today...we are celebrating a birthday next I'm with ya. -Debbie

  2. What a cutie pie! Hope you had a reprieve from the heat to enjoy that ice cream. Happy Day.

  3. Happy Birthday little girl! My little girl turns 3 in October, although she thinks tomorrow is her birthday (because it is mine). I will be glad when the terrible twos are over, but they are so sweet at this age!

  4. Gosh Melissa, She's growing so fast! Last fall she was so much smaller. Amazing how kids grow. :o)


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