Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Would Like To Thank The Academy...


Remember this little number? Well, it won me best straight skirt in a little contest called Skirt Week hosted by a little blog called Crafterhours. (By the way, when I say little contest and little blog I really mean big and awesome!)

I tell you, this totally made up for not even an honorable mention in the Spring Top Week contest. Which by the way, I totally wear that strapless top whenever I can as it is just as comfy as it is pretty it also goes perfectly with a pair of brown and white plaid shorts I refashioned. So it still worked out because it lit a fire under my bum to make it.

Back to the skirt though, I thought this would be a good time to mention that I have worn the skirt to two family functions and on top of getting very nice comments on it, my sister has asked me to refashion her up one themed with argyle. (How fun does that sound?) But! I wanted to say that the skirt has made it through two machine washings and still looks fabulous.

I can't wait to claim my prizes! So much awesome stuff!
Best Straight Skirt:
Mod Podge for Fabric, Simply Screen kit + Iron-ons from Mod Podge Rocks
1 yard custom twill tape from
1 roll twill tape from
Summer Vacation Dress and Shortie, Can-Can Skirt Patterns from MADE (Seriously, I have been coveting that Can-Can skirt for a couple months now!)
$20 Gift Certificate from Above All Fabric
$25 Gift Certificate from the Heather Bailey Store

This is just the coolest thing ever! I think I have told The Mister about, ten times today!

Alrighty, back to real life, (which by the way, brought me a pick up bed full of canning jars  + two old trunks to hold some in for free AND a surprise visit from my brother!)I hope your day is going uber awesome too!


  1. Congratulations! The prizes (AWESOME) are well deserved :)

  2. Yeah, I saw your skirt over there and was excited for you! Great job!

  3. Congratulations Melissa!!! the skirt is beautiful. You so deserve this!!!

  4. Yay! Hurray! It IS an awesome skirt and I plan to copy it someday soon. Have fun with your new loot!

  5. Way to go Melissa. That skirt is really cute. Oh...and about all those canning jars - jealous! :)

  6. Oou! Well OF COURSE you won. T'is a skirt of total awesomeness! Really well done!
    (and THANK YOU for sticking Emme's button in your sidebar - you rock!)

  7. Congrats! That skirt deserves such an awesome prize pack.


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