Friday, April 9, 2010

After the Rain...

As I sit in bed with Wednesday, breathing in the steamy eucalyptus and peppermint vapours half watching Disney's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland I thought I might share with you our adventure from yesterday. Wednesday is ill today, her sinuses have her just a snorting and sniffling away and instead of taking her outside I thought I would just let her rest and I will share with you pictures from when we did go outside.

Like today, yesterday was particularly grey and even brought three separate down pours, one bringing the most brilliant bolt of lightening and a frighteningly loud clap of thunder. I was loving it (As almost every person in South Eastern Ontario does when a thunderstorm rolls in.) but Wednesday was admittedly afraid of the thunder. It will be a while before she learns to love it as well. But after the rain stopped and the skies began to clear just a little we went outside. Not for long as it was not just wet but cold and wet but we packed in quite a bit of wonderful in only forty five minutes.

After the rain...


After the rain...
After the rains the sky looked like this...
After the rain...
After the rain we found puddles to splash in.

After the rain...
After the rain blowing bubbles takes on new properties...

After the rain...
After the rain, bubbles last longer for chasing.

After the rain...
After the rain, you find worms!

And after the bubbles, the puddles and the worms we went inside to warm up in a nice hot bath and wear our comfiest pajamas. Have you gotten outside in spite of the clouds and rain lately? I hope so!


  1. Seems we're all being plagued by the rain lately *grin*. So sorry to hear that Wednesday isn't feeling well :( Looks like you did grab some bubbletastic fun while you were out there :)

  2. Looks like so much fun!! We want to go outside sooo bad whenever it rains, it's just been so dang cold by the time the storm moves in! Soon, hopefully!

  3. Hi Melissa..

    It must be the season! My kids have all been sick with colds and now I'm coming down with it too. I'm glad you two got to play in the puddles though! Cute picture!

    Frankly, we rely on the excess rain in Houston. We didn't get it last year and I learned my lesson about complaining. It's green here..Thank you Lord! Growing up in North Texas, I could never get enough rain..of course it's always warm when it rains down here too..not chilly.

    Hope you get some sunshine soon!

  4. I know isn't it the weirdest weather?! But look at what happened during the olypmics! They trucked in snow to the ski hills for the runs. That has NEVER happened before. Totally crazy :) Have a lovely day and I hope Wednesday is starting to feel better :)

  5. What a GREAT picture! It almost makes the rain worth it...we were plagued here in New England too.


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