Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guest Posting @ The Sewing Dork!

Good morning! Today is super exciting! I am guest posting for the very first time (anywhere) at Confessions of a Sewing Dork! March is frugal crafting month at Confessions of a Sewing Dork and I for one have been really enjoying the posts! So when Cynthia asked me to author a post for her themed month I was more than willing. So much so I was almost instantly inspired. I had this skirt sketched in my notebook but I was dragging my butt on the actual creation of it. Until the other day. Suddenly (like as soon as I read the email) I had to make it that day! And I did. And it is awesome. And now I will share with you how you can make the cutest skirt from a ratty pair of jeans, an old stained t-shirt and a shoelace. Seriously if that is not the epitome of frugal, well than can I at least have a B+ ?

Four Wednesdays & a Skirt
Want to make one of these? The skirt, not the gorgeous kid, this is a g-rated blog!

For the next few days the tutorial will be located here at Confessions of a Seeing Dork. How cool is that? I have been reading her blog since shortly after I started this one. I cannot remember which one of her many awesome (and uber thrifty) tutorials lured me in as she has so many. Re-purposing and refashioning are the main themes which would explain why I love it when her blog pops up in my dashboard window. Oh and giveaways, this woman is uber generous! Always giving away handmade items, would be a good idea for you to visit her often!

Hope to see you there!


  1. Congrats on guest posting. Love this skirt. I miss little girls to dress mine are all grown . Enjoying what you make and dress Wednesday in.

  2. We'll have to conspire on something else soon...

  3. What a cute skirt! And congrats on being a guest blogger over at the sewing dork. That is so cool! Okay I'm off to see your guest article :) Have a fabulous day!


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