Monday, March 14, 2011

My Crafty Weekend

Wow another Monday already! And March break too! Are you psyched? This is our first March break, Wednesday attends a play school twice a week and they close with the schools. I didn't realize it until Friday though so I haven't anything awesome planned. Maybe some Grandma time, a little messy paint and glitter fun and a playdate? Hopefully a dinosaur dig at the local museum as well, Wednesday loves her some dinosaur bones.

Last week I seemed to never be home, so I have a lot of projects planned, and even some begun but nothing finished. I did get around to making some flowers though.

Super fun yes? The felt ones were super fast and the tutorial can be found here. The others were a lot more tedious but well worth it yes?! I followed the tutorial for those here.

Ready to see what you crafty folk got up to last week? me too!

The brilliant Nancy of Nancy's Couture has a tutorial for this cute and clever card wallet. You have to know I am making myself one this week, the little plastic thing I use is falling apart (and business cards don't fit anyways!)

The always inspiring Donna of Comin' Home created this clever seed catcher. To get the full how to visit her blog here.

Over at House To Your Home you can check out this gorgeous fireplace make over. Seriously, the before photo will make you drop your jaw. Isn't his just beautiful?

Wow you guys have been busy! What have you been up to lately? Baking, scrapbooking, sewing? How about papier mache? Distressed any great flea market finds? Share with us your creative endeavors! Feel free to grab and share the buttons below! Also, don't forget to visit the link before yours and leave some good comment karma! Have fun crafties!



  1. Hi Melissa, Thank you so much for featuring my idea this week. I only make this stuff up to save money you know. Next week I hope to share my computer cord slings. Sure don't want to pay $20.00 bucks or more!

    I LOVE your flowers!! You must have had so much fun! I made iced cookie flowers which are fun but not as much as your fabric ones.

    BTW, this Friday, I'll post my HUGE crafty weekend from Saturday. I made the most darling springy little girly cake with flying butterflies and candy daisies. It was a three baby shower cake for our church. Perhaps I'll email you a photo. I do my crafty posts on Fridays and will have the cake post ready just in time for your Monday party.

    What great ideas everyone has! I plan to be back every Monday for your lovely linky party. :o) Thanks for hosting Melissa. You are the craftiest person I know. :o)

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  2. I've seen those pin cushion flowers before - they are so cute!! The felt ones are terribly fun looking!!

  3. Thanks for the feature Melissa!!!

  4. Hi this is Sandy and I just found your blog. Linking up for the first time !

  5. Love your flowers Melissa, especially the tedious ones - definitely worth it! :)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!