Monday, February 21, 2011

My Crafty Weekend

Happy Monday Crafters! And, happy Family Day to my fellow Canadians! I hope your weekend was filled with much love, luck and laughter! Mine was absolutely wonderful, crafting, family nad the most wonderful girls night out on Saturday. A French bistro + Chapters + Starbucks + Chatty Cathies = super duper awesome times! Crafty though, did you catch that? Yes, I made myself a necklace. Would you like to see it? Okay...

I am torn about the red seed beads to be honest. That little detail took me over an hour, making me committed to them lol, but I just don't know if I love them you know? Here is the thing with me and jewlery design/making; I am not gifted at it, in fact I don't even think I could call myself good at it. In fact, I am pretty sure if there was a word for opposite of gifted I would be it. But, I cannot help myself! I love it. And whenever I get enough materials together to make an idea a reality (ish) I get lost in it. I guess I am hoping the law of averages takes over and if I try enough times, I am bound to succeed right?

Anyhoo enough about me, what have you been up to? With Valentines Day behind us and St. Patrick's Day and Easter on the way are your creative juices flooding your crafty minds? I have a few ideas for Easter that I am excited to try, I even have an idea that the wee one and I can do together (I rely on the web for the all majority of those ideas!) Last week there were some super cute links, here is just a sample!

Maleah of Little Eme created these amazing little booties. And, now you can make your own pair because she not only has the free pattern but a tutorial to go along with it her blog!

A couple weeks ago Michelle from Falafel and the Bee linked to this adorable messenger bag she made for her little one's valentine collecting. When I asked her if she had a pattern, she responded with a complete tutorial! Is that fabric not just to-die-for?!

Jenn of My Delicious Ambiguity linked to this cute St. Patrick's Day countdown calendar tutorial. So sweet and simple!

Now it is your turn again! What have you been up to lately? Baking, scrapbooking, sewing? How about papier mache? Distressed any great flea market finds? Share with us your creative endeavors! Feel free to grab and share the buttons below! Also, don't forget to visit the link before yours and leave some good comment karma! Have fun crafties!



  1. I love your necklace Melissa! Especially the red seed beads! They look really pretty with the black beads and the red flower.

  2. Thanks for hosting!
    From Vancouver BC

  3. I am in love with that necklace - the red bead part is gorgeous!


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