Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday on Wednesday

My sleeping babes
This picture was taken yesterday when Wednesday took herself to bed for an unscheduled nap. The kitten beside her is our newest family addition; Dinah. This is a rare moment of her resting. We have all been hit with colds this season. Wednesday and I are on our second round already which is nearly unheard of for us. So today is I'll just be hanging out on the couch watching movies with Wednesday and sleeping when she does!


  1. Ah, so cute :)

    Hope you all feel better soon, we're getting over our 2nd round of colds at the moment too, it's definitely been the year for it :(

  2. Oh, what an adorable picture. So sad that she is sick, it is so hard when the babies are sick! (That includes hubby babies!) We too have had several rounds of yucky flu's and it just no fun! Hope you all feel better soon.

  3. *comes out of lurking*

    Just wanted to say how much I love your blog! I've featured your wonderful site over at my place for my Sunday Six list of creative blogs.



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