Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sew What! Holidays Challenge Three Reveal!

This is going to be super fast! I am in the middle of moving and due to being sick last week I didn't get any scheduled posts done up. But I did get my stocking done and photographed weeks ago, thank goodness! Wanna see it? Here we go!

The challenge was a stocking and a toy if you had the time. Well, I ran out of time for the toy but I finished the stocking!I made it from recycled denim! The white jeans I turned into a skirt for  week one challenge plus some black denim from a pair of jeans I was given for the fabric. I could not be happier! Seriously, with every stage I was more and more impressed with how it all came together.
I lined it with black felt and added a vintage brooch I bought at a yardsale for a dollar. Pretty yes?
I'm sorry if the pictures are not awesome, I just didn't have time tweak the levels in Photoshop.

I hope you love it though. And if you want to make your own, stick around, sometime this week I will have the tutorial posted!

If you would like to see what Cynthia created click the button!

Sewing Dork Button

Okay, thanks for your patience guys! I'll be back as soon as I have internet access, or access to the internet! ♥


  1. Very pretty, yes! love love the checkerboard effect!

  2. It's wonderful Melissa!! and the brooch is a really nice touch. I never thought of that.

  3. That is a ridiculously AWESOME stocking. I HAVE TO MAKE MYSELF ONE. It's gorgeous!!!!! Great work!!

    And as someone who moved with two kids back in February (and the youngest was only 6 weeks then!) I totally understand and respect the stress involved. I hope it goes seamlessly for you!!

  4. Beautiful, stunning, love it! Can't wait to see the tutorial although I think I can't make that!

    P.S. Good luck with the move!

  5. Beautiful! You're moving? How exciting!

  6. Wow, that is one smart stocking! Love it :)

  7. HI! I love your blog... am new to the 'blogosphere' and I cant help but admire the denim/fabric skirt in your home page banner - did you make it? It is just GORGEOUS!
    Have recently attempted my own blog at:

    Check it out some time if you have the time - any feedback/tips/hints are always gratefully welcomed.

    Cheers :)

  8. I love that Christmas stocking!

    Following your lovely blog and inviting you to add this at - a mommy blogger directory and more, where you can also meet more mom bloggers like you and get connected with them by visiting your profile after registration. You can Shout there too:)

    You can also add there your giveaways and business links; get featured by sharing your crafts, recipes and interesting musings.

    Following us back is deeply appreciated. Thanks and have a great day!

    BLR Graham -- blogging and connecting blogging moms.
    {all moms welcome}

  9. Win a dress for yourself this Christmas. The dress is designed and handmade by myself. The giveaway ends December 18, so hurry and ENTER. Visit for rules...


  10. Melissa, I am embarrassed to say that I finally finished the Holiday Challenge... All three of the crafts I did not post in time are now on my blog. Hope you have a moment to check them out. I will put them on Flicker if I find another spare moment!

    When we moved into our house (I was very newly pregnant at the time) I told J this is where we will live until someone moves us out when we are old and can't fight back. Moving is a pain in every place you do not wish to hurt. Hope you are starting to feel settled now.


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!