Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday : Halloweens Past

With Wednesday dressing up this Sunday for her fourth Halloween, I thought I would share with you some photos from Halloweens past.

Wednesday in Pumkin
When Wednesday was but a mere three months old we put her in a pumpkin for some great photos. Unfortunately the lighting was horrible, good thing the photos were adorable!

@ The Pumpkin Patch
Due to my inability to decide on a costume, at the last minute I put her in a super fuzzy piglet outfit from Wal-Mart. A little ghetto but a lot of cute!

Little Red Riding Hood
Last year I was totally on the ball and made Wednesday's Little Red Riding Hood costume from scratch. She looked so cute!

I can't wait to show you pictures from this year! Here is a hint: It will be over the rainbow awesome!


  1. A) The pic of Wednesday in the pumpkin is to die for adorable!

    B) LOVE LOVE LOVE the red riding hood costume. Holy cow, you should sell those. It's amazing!

  2. Love the little red riding hood.

  3. agreed. the red riding hood costume is THE sweetest. your daughter is a looker, Melissa!

  4. Those handmade costumes just smack of My Mommy Loves Me. I can't wait to see this years.


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