Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday

Apple Orchard (41)Apple Orchard (47)Apple Orchard (83)

If I was in denial before today, I think it is safe to say that Autumn is here. As if to drive the point further home we visited a local orchard today with friend's preschool class. It was wonderful, the fresh air, the puddles, the pumpkins and maize. I bought a half bushel of Spy apples and I cannot wait to start baking them! For more photos of our feild trip visit the Flickr photoset here.


  1. I love Autumn :)

    Looks like you had a fun day, apples and pumpkins - yum!

  2. great pics! were they jumping in that puddle? looks like fun to me!

  3. Oh Melissa, I just LOVE these photos! You really are an amazing photographer...and of course Wednesday is as cute as a button!

    Thanks for sharing these. They make me feel like it's 'fall' again. We aren't quite there yet here in Texas. We had our first cool I'm hopeful!

    Donna @ Comin' Home


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