Friday, September 10, 2010

Two for Giveaway Week #2


Wow, I am really getting this one in under pressure! I have spent the morning prepping these prizes and I only moments ago finished taking the photos and uploading them! Wanna see? Ok!


Some of you that have been reading me for a little while know my love for working with vingtage linens. If asked in an interview about my favourite material(s) to work with I would answer "Vintage sheets and then denim." So, this week, I thought I would share that love and give away TWO prize packs! Up for this weeks draw are two vintage sheet five-fat quarter bundles and matching vintage(ish) buttons! I am a craft hoarder, and this was hard. But to show how much I love you, each bundle has a fat quarter from my most favourite sheet ever!


In this bundle of pretty pinks and yellows you'll notice on the top is the yellow sheet I have made so many wonderful things from already. And, as much as I love it, I felt I should pass on some of the sunshine.


If you look closely at this prize pack you'll notice there is a fat quarter from the very sheet I made my winning skirt with. (For those of you who are just joining us, the denim and patchwork skirt in my header is the skirt I am talking about.)That fat quarter was hard to give up as well for it screams vintage to me and the colours are so soothing.

But, on to the giving away part! (See, I told you I love those sheets!) For a chance to win one of these fat quarter bundles you need only two things. The first is become a follower if you are not already. The second is tell me which pack you prefer and what you would do with it!

Just in case you have no idea what a fat quarter is (Like myself until a couple months ago) these fat quarters are Canadian fat Quarters or Diaper Cuts, meaning they measure 20x22".

Contest closes Midnight Thursday September 16 and winner will be announced Friday the 17th. Good luck and happy Friday! Draw is closed, thank yo so much for participating and I hope you come back for more great giveaways!


  1. I really love vintage buttons. Especially those pretty pink ones! I have been experimenting with buttons in my jewelry and would probably use them for that. The fabric would be great for some sewing projects for my daughter I've been thinking about! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh, and I've been following for a little while!

  2. I have you on my blog roll - is that even better than following? That way I get live feeds when you post something new. Like this gorgeousness! The yellow wants me to have it!
    I'll link to your giveaway in my next post too :) Now it sounds like I'm kissing up so you'll pick me for the winner. Pick me, Pick me!

  3. I'm a follower (you know that by now :). I love the yellow bundle! What a great idea for a giveaway. I'd probably make something coordinating for my girls, though I'm not sure what yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am a follower. I love both bundles and I am a fan of fat quarters! I think I would pick the blue bundle and make my sone a shirt.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. The yellow/pink of course! My blonde haired, blue eyed baby girl really NEEDS something make from the beautiful yellow and pink fabrics!! :)

  7. I definitely follow you - I make a point to follow as many Canadian bloggers as I can!

    I like them both, and would love to make a dress for my 3 year old for either of them.

  8. I'm a follower. :)

    And I love the blue and greens. Not sure what I would do with them yet though...isn't that how it always is?!

  9. I love the pink and yellow bundle. I think I would make a teddy bear quilt like the one featured on the Sewing Dork blog for my little girl.

  10. Im am a new follower and love your little hair clip tutorial. I would make lots of those denim barrettes as gifts for friends and even for myself. They are just too adorable!

  11. I have an Amy Butler pattern that I have been looking for the right material for to make my daughter a bag! I love the yellow & pink! I have also been into making headbands & the yellow would go perfectly with my nieces uniform for school! They are great!

  12. SO pretty! I love 'em. Gosh - to just pick one.... I think I'd go with the blues and greens, but they both pull at my heartstrings. SO pretty.

    You are so generous. Love reading your posts.

    PS: And I am planning to make a denim skirt with some old jeans. You've inspired me!

  13. You are so generous and it speaks volumes that you are willing to part with some of your favorite fabrics.

    I'd love the first pack for my daughter who loves yellow & pink... and I'd probably make some sort of a twirly skirt with it :)

  14. I love vintage sheets too! I would love to have the yellow ones. I have started a stash of yellow ones to make a quilt with. My grandmother always used wonderful yellow and orange sheets and I would love to make a quilt in her memory since she taught me to quilt.

  15. What a generous giveaway, are you nuts?!! I would love the blue one and make a denim skirt like yours featured on Crafterhours!
    (already a follower!)

  16. You are ever so generous! I love all of the buttons! I am a bit of a button junkie! I would love the blue set though. I actually had the top stripy blue bed linens as a child! We had pink ones too, It never occurred to me that I was old enough to have slept in vintage linens! In any case I just bought the book So Fabulous Fat Quarters Gifts and I would make a journal cover for my sister we both have fond memories of those sheets!.. Thanks for the glorious blast from the past!

  17. I found your blog by chance through another blog. I love it. I started following it tonight.

    I love the yellow bundle. I have alot of ideas how to use it. Im a scrapbooker/papercrafter and I have an awesome idea for a layout.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oh Melissa I love vintage prints too.. they don't make 'em like they used to!

    I would absolutely love the blues pack, to make some fabulous clothes for my daughter - Cyan!

    I can only aspire to the fabulousness of your 'winning' skirt (it's a winner for me!)

  20. Well, I adore the skirt you made and tend toward blues, but... I am a new waldorf kindergarten teacher and am currently trying to upgrade my wardrobe with long skirts and tops that represent the color of the day. I could really use the yellow pack to supplement my options of things to wear on Wednesdays!
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  21. wooow, can' t choose! I Would be extreemly happy with either of the two! The pink/yellow would be perfect for my little girl and the blue/green for my little boy!

    keep on inspiring...

  22. I just found out about you today through Mod Podge Rocks. You rock!!! I'm so excited to follow you and learn some new great ideas.

    I love the pink/yellow combo. So many fun possibilities!

  23. I'm making aprons for Christmas this year. The yellow/pink vintage material would be great for my eldest daughter, the blue/green for my younger daughter. Love your website.

  24. These are so cute! I really like the pink and yellow pack. I recently saw a patchwork quilt skirt, and I think those colors would make a nice one, with a little help of some of my fabric stash.

  25. They are both beautiful, but I think I like the blue/green best. I would probably make snack bags and sandwich wraps from them!

  26. Hi Melissa, I love your giveaway..and the vintage fabric! By the way, I left a (I'm sorry!) HUGE comment on your post of Wednesday hugging a tree. So just a quick note here to say I commented there.
    Ha! Thanks for visiting!


  27. I would love the blue/green combination. I would probably end up making something to use for my new baby boy like a changing pad to go or a bag of some sort.

  28. I don't know what i would make.. maybe a cute little baby qulit for my surprise baby coming Jan, or a dress or skirt for my daughters!

  29. Oh man, I just stumbled on this site! I love it! And I am now following. I would pick the blue pack because those blue square buttons are screaming my name.

  30. I've been following for a few months now and love all your projects. I love the blue green combo. Thanks for sharing your treasures!

  31. okeedoke! i am a follower! and I would definitely choose the yellow bundle because that one is so SUNNY! now, i have no idea what i would make with it because (1) my to-do list is huge and (2) i change my mind every 2 seconds. good luck to me! and everyone else too, i guess!

  32. Just found you through your denim barrettes, which are so precious, and I am lucky enough to find you when you have a giveaway on! I am your newest follower and if I had to choose between the both (which is very hard, because they're both precious!), I think I'd say the blues and greens. I'm immediately drawn to the yellows and pinks, but sometimes I like to go with something a little different. Besides, you should see my collection of yellow and pink fabrics...Being drawn to something can cause one part of your fabric storage to be a little heftier than others! And I'm not sure what I'd make with them yet, I'd let them sit on my sewing table and talk to me first. Am I the only one who does that???

  33. I am your newest follower. I would pick the warm colors because they appeal to me most. If I had a little girl I would make something for her, but since I don't I would make something for me! Maybe a skirt or bag. I like the cool too for my boy's room.

  34. I subscribe to your blog. I love the yellow set.

  35. found you thru The Sewing Dork not long ago and just like C you have lots to offer, so i'm following!! both bundles are cute, so will take any if i can :-) that is if you will post to malta!!!


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!