Thursday, September 2, 2010

Giveaway Goodness!

I meant to post this yesterday, but with all the camping hoopla, well I forgot! But, here it is! What is it? Well, for the entire month of September I will be holding a giveaway every week! I know, crazy right?! Lots of different things too, things I have made, things I like and things from people I have never met!~ beginning tomorrow I will announce a draw every Friday until the end of September. So, you will have to check back often, and enter often!

And, if that is not enough for you as a completely unrelated but super duper awesome coincidence, The Sewing Dork is hosting her first ever Dork-A-Thon complete with giveaways! I love her stuff. She is probably the most generous blogger on the planet so it would be super if you stopped by her place and entered a few draws as well!


  1. Hurray, tomorrow's Friday! I can't wait to enter. It would be second best to winning the Lotto Max!

  2. Welcome back! It's so amazing that you can be on vacation and your barrettes be featured on Craft Gossip. [And I ditto the Sewing Dork, comment above.]

  3. Way cool! I'll be sure to check out The Sewing Dork but wanted you to know that I think you are pretty generous yourself! :)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!