Monday, August 23, 2010

My Crafty Weekend : K is for Korker Edition

 I am really taking advantage of this scheduled post feature this week. We are supposed to be renting a cottage for a couple weeks so I am trying to do as much as I can ahead of time so that I can just craft and cottage in peace! So, without further ado I will show you what I worked on last week.


Among other things, I was testing the Korker ribbon waters. And, I must say, I didn't do too badly. I took a lot of photos because I thought about doing up tutorial, but there are already some great ones out there and even though I had to fill in a lot of my own blanks when i was done I found some answers. So instead, I'll just elect to answer any questions you may have and if there is enough interest I'll do a links post to share with you the goodies I found.Capiche? Capiche.


And if you would like to learn how to make these beauties, you'll come back and visit me tomorrow!
Now, on to you! Last week, we had nineteen entries. So awesome. A far cry from the hundreds at some other blogs, but I like things small and simple. It means I can actually visit each one! A few of my favourites from last week were:

I'll tell you a secret, make something fabulous out of recycled denim and you can bet on me loving it. That easy! In this case, it is a gorgeous bib necklace made by Allie of More Than Just "Mom". It is fabulous right? And the patience it must have taken to make all those denim rosettes? Seriously. I almost don't even want to tell you she is giving it away at her blog, I don't want the competition!
Have you seen this t-shirt by Nina of Mama Go Round around the blogosphere? If you haven't, don't worry I barely caught it through a link up. I loved it so much I asked her to link up here. It is one of the nicest 'knock-offs' (J-Crew) I have seen yet. You can make your own too because she was swell enough to do it as a tutorial. For kicks, check out her other great t-shirt tutes!

As a vegetarian, I constantly come across great recipes that have meat. Seriously my favourite recipes mags always seem to forget about the vegetarians/vegans in the world. So, when I find a super simple and super tasty meat free recipe I am nearly ecstatic. Enter A Little Bit of Everything's stuffed mushrooms. So good, I am going to the market this weekend and buying the goods to make them.

There you have it, a sample of your fabulous links from last week. Thank you so much for linking up and I hope you continue too! As always, I have some buttons but posting them is not a pre-requisite for playing a long! Also, I do not have a featured button but you are welcome to put one of these two in your featured section. I'll whip one up this week hopefully!



  1. Ah, thanks so much for the love! It really means so much to me that you like my shirt :)

    Love the blog....have a great time at the cottage! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Thank you for the feature! You are awesome!

  3. I've thought of doing korkers but the girls are kind of beyond them, I think. But they look like so much fun to make!! Wait!! I have nieces!!

  4. hey melissa! just want to say thanks for having us at your party. your hair clips make me wish my girls were little again... sigh... :)

  5. Love those barrettes and the new buttons... great party!

  6. I just stumbled across your cute blog and linky party! So glad I did!!! I am going to add your party to my Linky Library page on my blog so that others can find it as well! Happy crafting :)

  7. HI!
    Due to the huge success of my Linky Love Library page, I am changing the way I organize it.

    I would LOVE it if you would come and link up your party to the day of the week you host it.

    It will make it easier for people to find it and will give you a thumbnail for your party. If you host more than one, link them all up :)

    You can link up to the library here:

    I hope you join in and link up!


    Lori @ Paisley Passions

  8. Just getting back to my blog following our vacation and wanted to thank you for mentioning my Stuffed Mushrooms. I do hope you tried them and liked them. We love them!


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!