Friday, July 16, 2010

Wednesday on Wednesday (Or Friday) With an Update

Splashpad 2Splashpad 1Splashpad 4

These are photos of Wednesday at one of the local splash pads. They have been a God send during the heatwave that has been the past month. It has really been hard to take full advantage of summer with this sort of heat and UV indexes. But we are trying. :)

On a completely separate note...

My blog turned one year last Saturday, and I turned thirty two last Sunday. Friends of ours are having birthday parties and I have been making gifts, attending said parties and all around trying to keep cool. I have also taken up reading fiction again (Currently I am reading Pride, Prejudice and Zombies) so my computer time is little to nil. What is more, when I am on the computer I am searching for Alice themed clip art and the perfect favour box template etc.

I have not forgotten you my blog and followers and to make up for it I will be having a giveaway when Wednesday's birthday fun is over. (Her party is next Sunday) so if you can just bare with me until August I promise to make it up to you.


  1. good choice, I love that book. almost as good as the original.

  2. You deserve a break! I didn't post on my entire vacation, and I'm just now getting back to it tonight. We'll be waiting for you when you're ready :).

    That book sounds fun, too. I think I'll have to add it to my list.

  3. Happy Birthday to you, your amazing blog, and little Wednesday. Those photos are precious, especially the second one! Keep cool.

  4. Summer time! Love it! Wednesday is having so much fun - totally awesome.
    Happy happy blogoversary!

    ... now stop reading this and go enjoy the summer time, the parties, the making and the organising... we'll be here when you get back. ENJOY!

  5. Happy Birthday to all of you!

    Enjoy the celebration, I look forward to hearing all about it!

  6. I haven't been blogging as much either...too much to do in the summers. It's good to take a break from it a bit. Good luck with getting her birthday pulled together.

  7. Not much blogging here, either, although I'm trying to catch up. If you're looking for something random to get you started when you come off hiatus, I've tagged you here:

    Happy belated birthday, and I hope you're keeping cool!

  8. Melissa..these photos are so darling! I've missed visiting you!!

    I've been so swamped this month with grandchildren visiting, anniversary, and children house-sitting (The Coles) and Mom moving (we're helping), renovating, and my adult son and wife moving twice. Plus trips to Dallas and back. It's the busiest summer we've ever had.

    I'm so glad to get to see Wednesday's sweet face again.

    Isn't Pride and Prejudice great? I love all of Jane Austen's books but that is my favorite. A little different than the movie, but still very good.

    I've been getting a bit sporadic on the blogging too. Trying to make the best use of the summer possible before school starts back up again.

    Have a great week!
    Donna @ Comin' Home

  9. Melissa..these photos are so darling! I've missed visiting you!!

    I've been so swamped this month with grandchildren visiting, anniversary, and children house-sitting (The Coles) and Mom moving (we're helping), renovating, and my adult son and wife moving twice. Plus trips to Dallas and back. It's the busiest summer we've ever had.

    I'm so glad to get to see Wednesday's sweet face again.

    Isn't Pride and Prejudice great? I love all of Jane Austen's books but that is my favorite. A little different than the movie, but still very good.

    I've been getting a bit sporadic on the blogging too. Trying to make the best use of the summer possible before school starts back up again.

    Have a great week!
    Donna @ Comin' Home


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