Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sew What! Reader Showcase pt2 + Week Three Challenge

Here are three more fabulous skirts from participants in the Sew What! Sew Along. I have not received any bag with word entries save cynthias but you still have lots of time and as you can tell by these entries that the due dates are relative. No pressure just fun here.

This one is a fantastic circle skirt made by Donna of Comin' Home for a super groovy time of square dancing. It even comes with a tutorial on how to make on out of a bed sheet. (Donna's chosen fabric was cotton scraps and although this is a big scrap it qualifies as stash busting which I think was part of the choice.

This hot little number was made by Angela of Keeping the Faith. She used a Threadbanger tutorial to make this skirt out of an old pair of jeans for her daughter. *Sigh* I remember when I could wear skirts like this...Great job though, I think this looks as store bought as a recycled denim skirt can get.

This adorable little number was made by Jaimie of Two Chicks and a Hen. Her chosen fabric was recycled knits I think this skirt is a fabulous example. Two t-shirts were used int he making of this little skirt and I am inspired to make Wednesday a couple super comfy play skirts.

Okay and now what you have been waiting so patiently for. Week Three challenge! So there are a couple things to it so I'll break it down in point form for easier reference.

Challenge 3a) You must use your chosen fabric, the recycled denim skirt was a fun first project but if you don't want to work with denim you need just choose another fabric (If you haven't already for the bag with words challenge.)
3b) This item is a home decor item. It will be a pillow/door stop kind of form. You get to choose how you interpret that and how and with what it will be filled.
3c) You can use one other fabric that is not your chosen fabric.
3d) To use this second fabric you must (if at all possible) use the technique called reverse applique.
3e) For extra credit, try to squeeze in some coasters!
3f) Submissions are due by Sunday the  20th, but I realize Father's Day is upon us so if you need an extension we can do that! To do this you can leave a link to your post in a comment on mine or Cynthia's blog. You can email it to one or both of us. You can upload it to the Sewing Dork Showcase Flickr group. Everyone is welcome to upload their photos regardless how else you share them. We love to look through them.
Well ladies, it is getting late here and I really want some ice cream celery. Happy Sewing~!


  1. I have ideas for both. Now, the question is can I pull this off in a week.... ? I'm going to try!

  2. This should be fun...I do hope I can get this project in. Hubby comes home from almost a month of travel late tomorrow night and then my daughter-in-law and three grandsons (one I've never seen!) will be here by Thursday. I'm the 'queen' of reverse applique so I'd love to do this. But I may not get to do this until later. Ah goes on. Thanks for posting my skirt. I still plan on adding a ruffle as soon as I can get a machine to do it with. :o)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!