Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fun Bunting Giveaway @ Common Threads!

It is a celebration! Not here (Mind you I could use a drink!) But over at Common Threads they are celebrating. What are they celebrating? And more importantly how are they celebrating? You ask. I shall tell you!

Recently they set up their very first booth (ever) at Birthfest and it was such a success they just had to come home and give stuff away. (That is my kind of party, well that and the drinking kind!)

Because, what is more celebratory than bunting (except margaritas maybe) they are offering a chance at a custom made bunting just for you!

Follow this link to their post about the giveaway to follow directions to have yourself added to the draw.

If you need some inspiration for where to hang a bunting, or why to have one you could go here or here to check out some great ideas.

Now, who is this Common Threads you ask? They are a couple of local (to me) gals named Mandi, Jessi and Cassie who create wonderful things that they sell at [now]local events and through their Etsy shop Common Threads. In their shop is some adorable amigurumi dolls (I hearted a few of those already), and some cute baby clothing and accessories.

*Author's Note* For all the mentioning I did of alcoholic beverages, I rarely am able to partake in their imbibing.

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