Monday, June 28, 2010

Dollies VS Babies

Holy moly! I cannot believe how long it has taken me to post my answer to the fourth and final challenge in the Sew What Sew Along! Between technical difficulties (See memory card replacement) to busy family events (see the baking of 30 mini cheesecakes for our one and only niece's grade eight graduation party) to more technical difficulties (see special camera battery dieing at the eleventh hour) and me going to bed with Wednesday last night, you would never know that I finished this early on in the week last week!

Lovely little over-complicated number don't you think?

The story behind this one? Wednesday loves her little dolls. It started with some sticking stuffers at Christmas and has grown ridiculously out of control with little dolls being given from just about every family member. Actually, you know that is not true, I think it started with the little figures from In The Night Garden and other cartoon shows aquired from Christmases past and a yard sale or two. But, she has since moved on to the dolls. She loves these dolls. LOVES them. They go everywhere with her. Well, these four go everywhere, the bath, the car, bed time etc. The other twenty little and bigger dolls take turns being her second favourite.

I thought I would create a doll carrier that could cary many a doll and their accessories hence the elastic bits and four pockets (two inside and two outside). BUT! I wanted something that could also be a doll sling for that day when Wednesday is finally feeling that materna instinct kick in. I am not sure when that will be seeing how the closest to playing mommy-baby is pushing the baby in the stroller for about two minutes. BUT! Just in case she changes her mind, the carrier converts to a baby doll carrier. 

I know the hanger pieces are not very maternal looking but, we work with what we have here.

On how it is convertable:
  1. Inside becomes a changing pad. (Pocket is a double pocket that can accommodate a dolly cloth nappy.)
  2. Elastic closure stretches to accommodate folding top. (See below.)
  3. Top folds down inside to make room for dolly head.
  4. Fabric connecting front and back in small enough to fit between dolly legs.

Two action shots and a shot of safety goggle cuteness.

The gorgeous pink fabric was purchased at my local sewing shop a few weeks ago with plans to make this top by the Sewing Dork. I am still going to make that top but the shades of pink looked so good with the denim I couldn't resist. Speaking of the Sewing Dork, she made the most beautifully simple answer to this challenge. I am envious of her thought process sometimes (and skills). But in a good way. Click on the button below to be taken to see her masterpiece. 

Thank you so much for sewing along with us! It has been wonderful to see what everyone creates. We know that people get busy, and technical difficulties arise so I am going to wait the week to see if any more reader submissions come in and then I'll do a post showing them off. I believe Cynthia is planning on a flickr favourite editions as well which I may have to copy depending on how our favourites differ (if at all!)


  1. That is way too cute! I'll bet she loves it, especially the versatility. Isn't handmade so much better than store bought?!

  2. Dear Melissa, This is so cute as are your wonderful photos. I so wish I could have kept up..but the grandkids came (all three and mommy) and we've been having a great time, singing, dancing, making cookies and animal soaps..., but my daughter is house sitting and has her machine with her. I just got my mom's. So with no sewing machine, and very little just wasn't working. I'm enjoying your posts though!

    Your friend,
    Donna @ Comin' Home

  3. This has been so much fun. I hope the two of you will consider doing this again sometime! I've sure enjoyed playing along, even if I was late every single week... I get there in the end. :-)

  4. That is absolutely adorable! What a great piece - so functional and convertible to boot. I agree with Cynthia: handmade is a zillion percent better than storebought. Well, except chocolate. I'm a pretty decent cook, but I haven't figured out how to recreate a Reeses peanut butter cup or a Three Muskateers bar at home. Or Godiva chocolates, for that matter!


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!