Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Crafty Weekend

Oh my goodness it is a new week already! heck, it is a new month! May is officially in full swing. We were busy around here with a 50th birthday celebration, some baking and some sewing.

citrus cupcakes

Cupcake recipe Triple Citrus cupcakes from Martha Stewart Cupcakes. The glaze is my own recipe of Lemon Rum, Lemon juice and icing sugar. Don't let the smell of the rum fool you, they are delectable (That is a fancy word for delicious!). be warned though, the cupcake recipe calls for nine eggs. Personally, without the glaze they taste a little too egg-y for me. Just saying.

measure and cut

The only sewing I did was some super fun ruffle-making and adding to a swimsuit for Wednesday. It just was not girly enough! You can bet this was so awesome I will be doing it to a couple of my own swimsuits! Stop by tomorrow for the full tutorial.


I got in an action shot of the bubble skirt today! I am going to try hard this week to write up a new tutorial. One with bigger pictures. But for those interested the flickr set that collage came from has all the steps with instructions. I just love this skirt so much I am making another soon. I'll give a heads up when it is posted.

Okay, enough about me, lets talk about you. well, one of you in particular.

This is a lovely dress made by B @ Sweet Limes. I thought since last week I had been on a girly streak that this would be the perfect link to feature. Not only is the dress stunning but the post is about how every woman needs a pretty dress and sometimes, we need to make the occasion to wear it. I wholeheartedly agree. It is a rare treat that I get to wear a pretty dress and in the past two weeks I have worn two! Mine were thrifted treasure (that fit off the rack none the less.) and not handmade like this pretty lil' number though. If you enjoy quality sewing be sure to visit her blog for great examples of sewmanship particularly The Headache Shirt (another incredibly feminine number).

Okay folks, show us what you got! What have you been up to? Baking? Gluing? Sketching? Sewing? It's all good in the hood! As always, here are you buttons! Usage is optional but I love seeing them on other blogs, seriously it almost makes me giddy!


1 comment:

  1. Melissa, I love the ruffle on the bathing suit! Great idea! Too bad I've given up desserts for life...or at least the foreseeable future. :o) Still, my daughter would love to make them.

    Your photos never cease to amaze me!

    Thanks for dropping by.


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!