Monday, May 10, 2010

My Crafty Weekend - Only Not So much...

Happy post-Mother's day folks! I trust you had a brilliant weekend? I hope the weather was good for most of you. The weather here was the pits all weekend. Cold, wet and windy! But it was a wonderful weekend. So wonderful in fact that I didn't get too crafty! I did some sewing on Friday but that is for another post and I started some refashioning this morning but that is for another post this week. So what do I share with you?

I thought about sharing with the you the pictures of the gorgeous fabrics I have been acquiring lately, vintage sheet style. But instead of inspiring stash envy, I will share with you my favourite link from last week.

I love this dress I mean frock. Made by Erin of Luck & Bliss it is indeed frock-a-liscous! The garment is lovely, and springy and I adore the little guy and his fedora! The reason this was my favourite post was because after reading it, it really drove home the importance of making a muslin mock up. Right now, most of my sewing is refashioning so muslin mock ups have only been a thought, but the more confident i get in my skills, and the more patterns I acquire, the more I will need to adjust my techniques and understand my skills and limitations and I think muslin mock ups are a perfect way to do this.  Luck & Bliss though, is one of my new favourite blogs to read. I found it through Wardrobe Refashion when she posted her freshly made bathing suits. I fell in love with her writing style and have been reading ever since. I encourage you to do the same. :)

Okay folks, show us what you got! What have you been up to? Baking? Gluing? Sketching? Sewing? It's all good in the hood! As always, here are you buttons! Usage is optional but I love seeing them on other blogs, seriously it almost makes me giddy!



  1. I'm so excited to post my crazy weekend craftiness! As soon as I get my older chickie down for nap, I'll be back...

  2. Hi Melissa, I'm finally glad! I've missed reading everyone's posts! Muslin mock ups are the best way to sew when you aren't quite sure where you are headed or if you want something to fit perfectly. I used it to make the skirt I submitted for your crafty weekend. I had ONE YARD of gorgeous fabric and no room for error! I plan to make a muslin slipcover for my couch this summer. Then I'll rip it apart and use it for a pattern. So many uses for this technique!

    Have a great day!

  3. PS. Thanks for hosting this great event. I love seeing your work best of all!

  4. Hi Melissa, I'm curious what you will be making. I read about your theme project and think it will be fun to read about! It looks like you were busy to me this weekend. :o)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!