Sunday, April 11, 2010

Storybook Sunday : Let's Go Outside!

The Great Outdoor Adventure Challenge : Storybook Sunday Edition!

I know that Storybook Sunday (although few and far between) is usually about storybooks, this one is for grown-ups. But for kids too. Well, written to grown-ups for the benefit of children. Sound good? How about sounds great?! This book is wonderful. I cannot sing it's praises enough.

I adored this book and all it had to offer. Wonderful quotes themed for play and nature. Wonderful activities from the simple Kick the Can, (Which by the way is not as simple as I though, I honestly learned how to play kick the can.) to the more complicated Personal backyard feild guide, there is something for all ages and all interests.

As I said before, I do not need a book to tell me how or why I need to go outside to play with Wednesday. We go outside almost every single day weather permitting. But, sometimes it is nice to do something more than watch her climb a jungle gym or walk the boardwalk at the local nature reserve. This book gave me just that. Each activity is enthusiastically described and there is a "Take it Further" feature for each activity. These are like 'extra credit' assignments. Great ideas for older kids, or even the more enlightened younger ones.

This is the second book of the same sort by Jennifer Ward. The first is called 'I Love Dirt: 52 Activities to Helt You and Your Child Discover the Wonder of Nature' I have yet to read it but you can bet it is on my Chapters wishlist! She also has a plethora of story books written with appreciating nature in mind. I have one (Forest Bright, Forest Night) reserved at my local library, the rest will come in time. I am excited though.

I think you could not ask for a better book when you are playing along with Lisa of 5 Orange Potatoes Great Outdoor Adventure Challenge. Although we missed out on outing on Friday, we made it out yesterday and today. On Saturday we rolled around in the grass and collected dandelion bouquets for Grandma and today we played hopscotch and went for a nice long walk in a green space ending with a romp on the jungle gym.

To celebrate so many things this month; my 100th post, 55th reader, The Great outdoor Adventure Challenge, the arrival of Spring, etc. etc. and so on and so forth...I am giving away a copy of this book. I love it so much and fee that more people should both read it and go outside more I feel the need to buy one and send it off! So, for sticking with me this far all you need do is leave a comment on this entry. You can Retweet this for a second entry (You must comment telling me so) but if that is too much effort just comment. PLEASE make sure you leave a way for me to contact you either a valid email address in the comment or attached to your profile! Contest closes midnight on the following Sunday, April 18th whereby I will use to choose a number and the winner will be both posted and notified via email the Monday, April 19th after.

MMmm sunshine!

Can you see the yellow glow from the dandelions?

For more awesome pictures of our days outside you can to my flickr set here. For more entries in the challenge you can visit any of these wonderful blogs:
lisasanders, angelina, phyllis, sarah, christie, jennifer, debbie, dong dong, denise, luisa, joy, stephanie, cori, alex, dawn, kristen, catherine, tricia, becky, christy, ruth, kari, courtney, branflakes, jessica, haiku, brynn, amy, clemencia, sherry, leslie, lise, renee, anet, jenn, marina, amy, ella, marcia, karen, beth, julie, kyndale, kelly, lizzie, eileen, ag, mari-ann, cindy, robin, nicole, debbie, julia, renee, anita, lisa, jenn, montessori, marita, jeannie, hallie, mandy, kangaroo, andrea, lisa, carmen, teena, joey, stephinie, rosina, saminda, emma, elizabeth, gidget, melissa, katie, becca, barbara, atouria, missy, ariella, elizabeth, sarah, eileen, stacy, lisa, jennifer, tulsileaf, lisa c, morticia, angela, rana, jamie lisa c, luz, charley, heather, valerie, kirsten, rachel, annie, kendra, beth s, lindsey, michelle, megan, renee, korina, linda, kerrslaura,  jen, jenni, gabby


All you have to do is go outside! And take a picture...but even that is optional.


  1. I think I need to get the 'I Love Dirt' book because I spend too much time housekeeping and not enough time embracing the outdoors!

  2. Oooh oooh, pick me, pick me! *grin*. Sounds like I need to add this to my reading list :) I've got 'I Love Dirt' and it is a fun read as well. You'll definitely have to get a copy of it :) Happy Sunday!

  3. Those books look great! I'd love to win but if I don't ... library here I come!

  4. Hi Melissa.
    I've been meaning to comment here for a while now. I'm in SW Ontario...adn know of no other blogging mama's in ON. Nice to come across one. We have "I LOVE Dirt" and it is great. I'd love to win Jennifer Ward's other book. However, you can be sure if I don't...I'll be purchasing it. Can never have too much inspiration. Happy Spring. -Debbie

  5. Hi Melissa, We just got home from a trip to Cagle Recreation Area. The kids swam, Tim fished, and I just took lots of photos...with my cell phone..phooey! I am sick with a chest cold, but I figured I might as well enjoy the breezes off the lake as to lay around the livingroom! It was a wonderful place to rest. Sweet picture of Wednesday!

  6. that book looks awesome. we hope to start our family this summer, and i work with kids, so it would be great for me. come visit and enter my very first giveaway for a pottery barn giftcard and some of my designs at

  7. We have "I Love Dirt", and it has been a great resource for outdoor ideas! "Let's Go Outside" is on my wish list - thank for the review!

  8. Ooooo I have had my eye on this book. What a fabulous giveaway, thank you!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful book! I would like to do more than just watch & observe my kids outside too! Thanks for offering :)
    ps - anxietytopia on LJ :)

  10. Sounds neat :) We would love to check it out!


  11. I WANT! I WANT! I can always use help with more outdoors activities! Seems like we don't do it enough..

  12. hey there :) It's True-crime from LJ. This blog is beautiful! Much prettier than LJ let's us be. I'd like to enter the contest :)

  13. I've been wanting to read something of hers for some time. This is definitely a subject on my radar right now!

  14. This book sounds great! Have you also read Last Child in the Woods: something about Nature Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv?


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!