Monday, April 5, 2010

My Crafty Weekend : Bunnies & Eggs & Cookies! Oh My!

Easter Crafts Mosaic

Welcome to the Easter Wrap Up edition of My Crafty Weekend We had more fun this weekend than a barrel full of soft fuzzy bunnies. What with all the crafts, egg hunts and park going we didn't stop! I had hoped to have a photo of a field berry pie up there too, but alas I got caught up in some spring cleaning. Today though, I promised to bring one to a belated Easter dinner today.

But we did get messy! We dyed hard boiled eggs with food colouring. We tried different resist methods including stickers and crayons. Our stickers bled and the crayons only looked good on light coloured eggs like yellow. Hot glue does not work. (Just in case anyone thought they were brilliant like I did.) But Wednesday had a blast! It combine all her favourite things, colours, water and play. We'll be doing this again soon I am sure, for the price of a dozen eggs she'll get so much joy!

We made the cotton bud bunnies and cards for Wednesday's friends. She gave them to them at an Easter egg hunt they put on. It was awesome, and sunny and wonderful and I cannot wait until next year! I am going to start collecting things now to put in the eggs next year. The amount of candy we are giving away is crazy!

Lastly, on Easter eve I squeaked out some pretend sweets. I made Oreos that open up for pretend dipping and licking. I also made some chocolate bunnies. I have some patterns and tutes coming tomorrow. SO stay tuned!

Oh yes, and I just had to share my favourite link from last week!

Is this not the most adorable thing yo have ever seen? Polly from Helping Little Hands created this for her daughter's first birthday. Along with matching cake! The tutorial has been done and can be found here as well. Who does not love anything Eric Carle inspired? If you have yet to visit her blog I encourage you to do so. Currently she has a serious of refashions happening called Hand Me Down Rehab and if you love felt food you will adore the Felt Food Cook Along for an entire pantry full!

And what did you get up to this weekend amongst all the fancy dresswearing-family feeding-church going-egg hiding chaos? Maybe you hosted a brilliant feast? Do you have a photo or recipe to share? Did you start something? Finally finish something? You should share with us!And now I am off to bake the aforementioned field berry pie! Wish me luck on the lattice top! Happy crafting!


MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Awww...what a nice surprise to come to link up this morning and see my skirt featured. Thanks! I linked up the tutorial for sewing the skirt itself. I had a fun crafty weekend working on some other things...but don't have the posts ready for those yet. :)

  2. Oh you have been a busy little bunny! *grin*. Love the felt rosettes that you covered the easter basket with, so cute!

    You had asked if we had a cat for mousing but I'm terribly allergic to them so unfortunately we can't have kitty inside :( I can't even touch them without getting welts and itchy. I usually avoid them like the plague! LOL. Guess I'll have to keep up fighting them myself... hopefully I won't need to vacuum anymore up *grin*.

    Have a fabulous week!


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