Monday, March 22, 2010

My Crafty Weekend

Wow, and Monday is upon us already! I'm okay with that though, we managed to have a great weekend around here despite the weather. A family pizza party, sewing, crafting, baking and all around general fun was had.

I know last week I posted the bare minimum, but the weather here was so very wonderfully unseasonal we couldn't bear to stay inside and because of the fresh air we couldn't stay up late (at all)to blog so it just kind of petered out after Wednesday. Well, seasonal weather is back and the skies are grey so here is to hoping for a full week of posting with a couple tutorials thrown in for good measure.

My Crafty Weekend

On Friday I baked some cupcakes for a family get together. I made the carrot recipe from Martha Stewart Cupcakes and it was so good. The cream cheese frosting pictured is my own recipe though made so that I could pipe it on. You can find it here or on my new recipes page. It is thicker than the recipe I used for the Creepcakes and the Tank Cake. They were very tasty, I mean uber-tasty!

Do you like the purple backpack? I made that Saturday morning for Wednesday's cousin's seventh birthday. I wanted to make her something but I didn't have her measurements and aside from being really bright at school I was not too sure what she was 'into'. So I made this drawstring backpack and filled this bag with a jump rope, sidewalk chalk and bubbles. I hope she liked it!(Every seven year old likes purple right?) It was made from my own design because every tutorial I found confused the heck out of me. I am not a technical reader! So, I decided it was so easy, fun and gosh darn cute that I will be making at least one more for Wednesday and you can expect a tutorial for it because I decided the basic design could use some modifications.

Sunday was the day of the ruffler foot. This actually wasn't as stressful as I am remembering. Problem was I pulled it out after two hours of trying to shirr and realizing that my machine would have none of it. No matter how much I fiddled with upper tension, lower tension, hand winding the bobbin, machine winding the bobbin. My machine just does not enjoy sewing with elastic thread and that is something I will have to get used to. So, to make myself feel better I pulled out my forty-year old Kenmore ruffler foot and started to teach myself how to use it. After I got past all of the technical jargon I managed to get it to plait beautifully on ever stitch regardless of stitch width. Unfortunately, anything else just didn't look very good. But that is okay, my gathering foot works really well for less full ruffles on most medium-thin to thin materials. Wow what a gorgeous full ruffle from the foot though. I just might come up with something for Ruffle Your Stuff yet. Although, I think I only have a couple days left. Sigh.

Last but not least. I stayed up until midnight last night finishing up these beautiful eggs. I also have the first part of that tutorial photographed but I don't have what I thought I had to finish it so that will have to wait until tonight or tomorrow. But it will be worth the wait, I promise!

p.s. What do you think, would this make a good link event? My Crafty Weekend I mean. I think it would. next week, expect a McLinky. :)

Happy Monday Folks!

1 comment:

  1. Gah! I'm totally drooling over your cupcakes. I think we need to make some of those tomorrow! *grin*. Your backpack looks fabulous and the ruffling foot is cool. I'm done my ruffling on the serger but a special foot for my machine would be handy!


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