Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thank You Donna!


I have a few thank yous owing to Donna of Homemaking Made Easy. First, a thank you for the beautiful candle pictured above. It smells as good as it looks! The label says spiced apple and it does smell like apple pie when burning. A lovely companion whilst sewing. I hadn't sent a thank you yet because I was hoping to surprise you with something nice in the mail, but you know how time can fly!

A second thank you for all of the support she has shown me over the last few weeks. A little bit of praise goes a long way in the blogging world and she has given me enough to last a year.

The third thank you is for making me the first "Featured Follower". How lovely to be in the sidebar of her happy and handy blog.

If you have yet to visit Donna I suggest you do. Her blog Homemaking Made Easy is a lovely combination of housework and house love. She sews, she crafts, she cleans and she loves her family. There is even a post on how to make the gorgeous candle pictured above.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa, I'm glad you like the candle!! I'm not the expert you know...I just wanted to skip the "money step" by making my own.

    You have a great blog and I love checking it. :o)


Comments are love. I will return that love whenever I possibly can. If there is something you would like to discuss in private feel free to email me at the address found in my profile. Thanks!